Vacation Travel Unlikely To Return To Normal Until 2022

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( — March 31, 2021) — Many people throughout the US are spending this lockdown dreaming of an exotic holiday. However, vacations may not be a realistic goal for this summer due to the uncertainty around travel restrictions. The vaccination program is having some success and President Biden claims normality will return by this summer, but what does this mean for vacations? Is travelling abroad a realistic goal in 2021?

Holidays May Be Off the Table this Year

The covid-19 pandemic has negatively affected many aspects of life. One of these areas that has been completely devastated is vacation travel. Unfortunately, it is very unlikely that this will return to normal in time for the summer holidays. Many areas abroad are still at war with the virus. For example, most of Europe is currently battling a 3rd wave with infection rates rising and borders remaining closed for holidaymakers. Furthermore, countries such as Australia and New Zealand have closed their borders to visitors to try and maintain their low infection rates and prevent an outbreak. Even countries that are open to tourists currently have strict restrictions in place, with many requiring all visitors to isolate on arrival or provide negative test results to help reduce the spread.

Even within the US, some states such as California still have advisory stay-at-home orders. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is advising that citizens do not travel for any non-essential purposes, urging people to delay travel and stay home for the near future. If vacation travel is allowed later this year, it is likely to be far from a normal experience. Precautionary measures such as masks, social distancing and being tested for covid prior to travel may all become mandatory. Masks and negative coronavirus tests are already requirements for all air passengers entering the US. 

Don’t Lose Hope Just Yet

It’s not all doom and gloom! Do not throw out your travel plans just yet. There is hope that the vaccination programs being rolled out throughout the country and the world will help reduce the spread of coronavirus. In time, this is bound to return aspects of life to normal including vacation travel. The vaccination roll out has already resulted in a large number of states lifting restrictions and brought about the return of sectors like hospitality. Dining in restaurants is now legal in the majority of states around the US. This is a good sign that things are returning to normal and an indication that things are moving in the right direction. However, it is estimated that around 75% of the population needs to be vaccinated to get herd immunity and create adequate protection. This means vaccines may not have a large enough impact in time to enable vacation travel this year. You can read more about how the vaccination program may affect travel plans here

As you can see, there is a lot of uncertainty, but it is possible that some vacation travel may return this year, particularly within the US. Many states including Texas, Florida, and New York have minimal restrictions on businesses and have removed stay-at-home orders for citizens. Additionally, President Biden has expressed his hopes that, within America, normality may return from as early as July 4th. This means that even if you aren’t able to have the exotic holiday you’re dreaming of, it may be possible to holiday within the US this year.

It’s Never too Early to Plan for 2022

Despite travel abroad being unlikely for this year, vacation travel throughout the world will almost certainly have returned completely to normality by 2022. It’s never too early to start planning for the holiday of your dreams. If you’re having trouble deciding on a destination, why not choose a country at random with this random country generator? By 2022, nearly every country in the world is likely to be open to tourists, so the possibilities are endless. 

By 2022, it is likely that the travel industry will have returned completely to normal. Hopefully, restrictions that will certainly be in place this year, such as wearing masks and social distancing, will be a thing of the past. There may not be guidance that might stop you visiting your favorite attractions, such as to avoid crowded areas. It is the perfect time to adventure somewhere completely new or revisit an old favorite spot. 

By keeping up to date with regulations, although travel may not be open yet, you can keep positive and get ready to set off again soon. Remember – stay safe!