(Newswire.net — April 27, 2018) — Cutting down your calories can benefit your health, prolong life, and definitely helps weight loss, so say studies. However, not getting sufficient nutrition is a shortcut to premature death and cause for multiple health problems. Finding the balance between ‘too much’ and ‘not enough’ is extremely difficult because it’s different for every person. Therefore, you should focus on not overeating first. Do not try to cut your portions or overall calorie intake drastically. But do limit yourself from eating to excess by using a few simple lifestyle tricks and some supplements.
5 Tips for How to Eat Less Without Damaging Your Health
1. Plate your meals in the kitchen
The easiest way to not exceed the number of calories you should consume with every meal is to ensure no extra food is within reach. It’s easy to forget about your resolve when you eat a meal relaxed and in a pleasant company.
Prevent this problem by plating the main dish while you are in the kitchen and only leaving some light snacks on the table. This way, even when tempted, you won’t be able to get seconds while discussing your day.
While you’re at it, serve the food in smaller plates. This will affect your subconscious and trick your brain into believing that you’ve eaten more than you actually did.
2. Get the right kind of supplements
The best products for controlling your calorie intake are appetite control supplements. They will be most helpful at the beginning when you are getting used to a new healthy diet. If weight loss is your main goal, get appetite suppressors that have some additional benefits.
For example, a pill with capsaicin will also enhance the speed of fat burning and caffeine can boost your metabolism.
3. Increase your protein intake
Protein-rich foods are more filling and can help your weight loss program by giving your body the building materials it needs to grow lean muscles to replace fat. Eating a breakfast high in protein is best as it will help suppress your appetite for the rest of the day.
Best healthy protein-rich foods include eggs, chicken breasts, nuts, dairy, broccoli, quinoa, oats, lean beef, lentils, salmon, tuna, and nuts. Include one of them into every meal you have, leaving seeds and nuts for small snacks. Be careful with those two as they are high in calories.
4. Cut down on distracted eating
‘Distracted eating’ happens when you absentmindedly stuff yourself with some (usually unhealthy) foods while focusing on some task. This is a common problem for when you’re cooking as you might be slipping in bits of the foods in front of you. The problem is worse for those who eat while working as they often stock up on some unhealthy snacks. This particular issue is often associated with stress and anxiety and might be considered an eating disorder if it gets severe.
The best way to beat this problem is to remove all foods from your workplace. If this causes too much stress at the beginning, replace your junk food with healthy snacks, like baked chickpeas or baby carrots. You should also have a bowl of baby carrots or other veggies cut to bite-sized pieces when you cook. This will help cut down on the number of calories you distractedly snack on while making a meal.
5. Lock the kitchen/fridge in the evening
Forbid yourself from midnight snacks, and if your will isn’t strong enough yet, lock the food away. Do everything in your power to stay away from that part of the house altogether to reduce the temptation.
To give yourself some extra motivation for not eating at night, remember that doing this does not only increase weight gain. This also boosts the risks of developing heart disease and diabetes, according to The Telegraph.