What Happens if Your Child Is Hurt in a Car Wreck?

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(Newswire.net — October 27, 2020) — Car wrecks can be very stressful, no matter who was liable for the accident. If your child is with you when you’re in an accident, this can undoubtedly make matters even worse. As a parent, your first priority is keeping your child safe, and you’ll do whatever you can to protect your kids. This includes teaching your children about wearing seatbelts and not opening the doors or windows while driving.

However, even if you’re especially protective, you may not be able to prevent a car accident, especially if the incident wasn’t your fault. You certainly aren’t alone if the thought of your child being hurt in a car accident is scary for you. 

Parents rarely think about their son or daughter sustaining an injury because of someone else’s negligence, but this occurs far more often than you’d think. Car accidents are the most common cause of death in children 15 and younger. From 2010 to 2014, about 3,000 U.S. children died from car wrecks, which averages out around 11 children each week. Most of the children who passed away in accidents weren’t wearing seatbelts.

Causes for Vehicle Accidents Involving Children

Now that we know that car accidents are, unfortunately, the top child killer, it’s important to understand why these accidents occur. Several different factors can contribute to a car wreck. 

Just like with accidents that involve adults, it can be challenging to predict when something will go awry on the road. Here are some of the most common causes of car wrecks that can cause injury to children:

  • Distracted driving (including texting)
  • Drunk, sleepy, or drugged driving
  • Speeding
  • Not stopping at a red light
  • Driving in bad weather
  • Driving at night

After Your Child Is Injured

Whenever our children are riding in a car with us, there is, unfortunately, a chance that they will be hurt in a car wreck. This also means that children can die in automobile accidents if they’re riding in a school bus, in a car with other family members, or riding in a vehicle with the babysitter.

If your child is a victim of a car wreck, you likely have questions about what you should do next. It’s essential to note that children have the same rights as an adult who is the victim of a car accident. However, parents have to speak on behalf of children, since they are too young to articulate all the details of the accident. If you file a personal injury claim for your son or daughter, your child could be entitled to financial award for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of income (if the child is old enough to have a job)
  • Medical bills
  • Mental anguish

How to Protect Your Child

Keeping your child as safe as possible while they are in a car is of utmost importance to you as a parent. You can:

  • Follow the speed limit
  • Be very attentive while driving
  • Avoid driving late at night
  • Never drive when you’re tired
  • Make sure your vehicle is safe and doesn’t need repairs

According to Sink Law (https://www.sinklaw.com/charleston-personal-injury-lawyer/), insurance companies deal with auto accident claims on a daily basis, and they will use their experience to give you the lowest possible settlement. You should always get a lawyer’s help when you’re protecting the rights of your child.

After an accident you most likely have medical bills and lost wages, and you may also be paying for ongoing treatment or physical therapy. If the car accident that injured your child was caused by negligence, don’t put-off reaching out to a lawyer.