(Newswire.net — January 4, 2021) — The given year was anything but ordinary. Many people and media go as far as calling it the worst year in a generation. It is hard to argue with it, especially if looking at the numbers of the people affected by the global pandemic. So many people have lost their loved ones to the unknown before the disease. So many people are now living in fear of getting sick or losing someone they know. Of course, the pandemic and the governments’ measures of fighting it have affected every person on the planet. Some nations, though, had suffered much more than others. The differences in those countries lie in the methods their governments had addressed the pandemic. Some governments were fast to act. Others were slacking. Some use more harsh and strict measures than others. Let’s see what methods of dealing with a pandemic are adopted by the government of different countries and their effects on the public and safety.
New Zealand
New Zealand has become one of the rare success stories in the current fight with the pandemic. By the end of the spring, the country has already announced itself as a COVID-19 free country as no new cases have been registered for a long period of time. Of course, at the time, the measures introduced by Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, were one of the harshest in the world. The state banned all travel from China in February, at the time when the first COVID-19 case was registered outside the Chinese borders. So it is fair to say Ardern was quick to react to the crisis. Soon the travel ban has started to extend to other countries with the new cases of the virus.
In mid-March, when New Zealand just started to register its first cases inside the state, the whole nation went into full self-isolation. It was another radical but necessary step for ensuring everyone’s safety. Throughout the whole time, Ardern continued communicating with the public via social media. This decreased any chances of misinformation and kept people updated about the situation with the virus in the country. As a result of Ardern’s actions, New Zealand had only 25 Covid deaths over this year. You can read this speedypaper review, if you want to research more on New Zealand’s successful fight with the virus.
United Kingdom
By the time New Zealand had started implementing the strict quarantine restriction, the UK had already lost over 300 lives to the virus and yet, had no nationwide lockdown at sight. The UK government was too slow to react to the virus even when it was already taking the lives of its citizens. The UK was following the typical European scenario of the pandemic. It has banned some air travel, restricted entrance to the country, introduced self-isolation upon arrival, and so on until only the last resort, the lockdown. However, all these precautions did not help to prevent catastrophe.
In April, the country was losing over 1000 people per day. By the end of spring, the country started slowly easing the restrictions, allowing some businesses to open and letting people go outside. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the lockdown was used as the last measure in the areas where the cases start to grow. However, by now, the UK is still struggling with the virus.
These days, the entire world is looking at China and hoping that they can also declare themselves COVID-free nations one day. However, by now, only China is confident enough to say that it has survived the major virus outbreak and has returned to normal. China continued to deny the emergence of a new virus for too long. However, once it had to face reality, the Chinese government started to act very fast. It immediately locked the entire province where the virus was registered. Millions of people ought to stay at home with only very few exceptions. China was the first to introduce such massive lockdowns, temperature checks, social distancing, and all other typical attributes of the pandemic. Although it was acting as a pioneer, it managed to do the job of dealing with the virus pretty well.
At the time, it all seemed almost unrealistic and too intense. The requests in professional writing services commonly had things like, “Could you write my essay cheap. I need to learn more about the nature of pandemics and research other cases of pandemics in history”. This was the topic that everybody was talking about, fearing to happen in their home countries. Well, despite the Chinese efforts to stop the virus, it has still continued in other states.