Why Is PayPal a Popular Payment Solution for Esport Gamblers?

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(Newswire.net — December 10, 2018) — One of the hottest hobbies in recent time, which a lot of people never saw coming, is wagering real money on competitive video gaming, also known as eSports betting. This activity is of course taking place online at online gambling sites and here many thrill seeking gamers and punters are using the payment method PayPal to fund their player accounts.

This world renowned e-Wallet, available in more than 200 different countries, is a popular choice for many reasons, such as the following ones:

– Transactions to and from the gambling sites are extremely quick (in fact instant)
– You never have to provide any sensitive information (like card details that could be skimmed)
– You avoid having gambling transactions showing up on your bank account. Transactions that in some countries could make it difficult getting a bank loan as it’s lowering your creditworthiness.

On top of this, setting up and using PayPal is incredibly easy which provides punters little reason to use any other payment method.

Where can you bet on eSports with PayPal?

Wagering money on competitive video gaming has been on the rise for almost a decade with an exponential growth in number of online bets placed. It’s a huge market that a plethora of online bookies are well aware of and making a tremendous effort taking advantage of.

As common as it is finding bets on eSports, PayPal is, on the other hand, interestingly enough, not always a supported payment method on gambling sites. It is in fact quite a rare one to come by if we were to compare its availability to the huge number of bookmakers that exist.

With this being said, video game punters can still find comfort in having plenty of different operators to choose from that make eSports betting with PayPal a possibility. The online gambling industry is one of the world’s most competitive businesses and finding a secure, high-quality betting site allowing PayPal and offering a good amount of eSport bets therefore isn’t very difficult.

Who is the group that uses e-Wallet solutions when gambling?

Everyone does, but millennials and those born in or after the mid 90’s are definitely overrepresented as these groups of people have been using the internet since a very early age. While they are used to the technology and are well aware of many of the handy online solutions that we are blessed with in modern day times, older generations tend sticking to more traditional payment methods, such as the use of credit cards.

There’s a popular saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks and even though this isn’t necessarily true, there is a lot of substance to the statement.

Why should anyone want to spend their money on gambling?

For anyone who doesn’t have an interest in it, it may seem like a waste of time and money, but for those who are really into it, it’s simply a form of entertainment. Gambling has existed for thousands of years and is somewhat a deep rooted culture in us. It’s easy fun and as long as you don’t have a gambling problemit doesn’t have to cost more than any other hobby.

The fact of the matter is that when it comes to traditional betting as well as eSports gambling, there is actually a level of skill involved and for someone who is knowledgeable enough, it’s possible to make a long term profit. It’s of course not an easy job, but it does add an extra element of excitement.