(Newswire.net — January 2, 2021) — Nutritionists have been promoting diets heavier in seafood for a long time, and it’s more than just a passing fad. Seafood may taste delicious, but it can also leave you feeling better after you’ve finished. That’s largely thanks to the high levels of fatty acids in fish. Fatty acids are an essential part of the human diet, and new studies seem to reveal more advantages to fatty acids with each passing day. Here are some of the most promising advantages of omega-3 fatty acids, and omega-3 supplements in particular.
They’re Especially Critical for Pregnant Mothers
Fatty acids aren’t just good for the bodies of growing and developed adults. They can also play an important role in the growth and development of an infant while they’re still in the womb. A healthy diet of fatty acids can help infants develop sharper eyesight, but it has the most dramatic effect on their cognitive development. Taking fatty acid supplements is a great way for mothers to provide proper nutrition to their babies without having to change up their diets dramatically.
They Can Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
If heart disease runs in your family, you should definitely make omega-3 fatty acids a priority in your nutritional consumption. In fact, the beneficial effects on your cardiac health are manifold. They can reduce the development of plaque within your arteries and also prevent blood platelets from clotting. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been known to increase levels of helpful HDL cholesterol in the body and keep blood pressure stable.
Supplements Don’t Have the Risk of Mercury Poisoning
Seafood is one of the best sources of fatty acids, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t come with its own negative side effects. Many fish have high levels of mercury in their bloodstream, and that transfers over to your own body when you consume them. Mercury can be a risk to the health of anyone, but developing fetuses are especially vulnerable to the negative effects of mercury. In either case, taking a supplement can reduce this risk considerably.
They Can Help With Concentration
One of the more interesting studies in fatty acids tested the effects of these supplements when taken by children with ADD and ADHD. The results were promising. A steady diet balanced with omega-3 fatty acids led to children more capable of concentrating on a particular task and to think more clearly while performing tasks. Moreover, it has been shown to help with other side effects like aggression, nervousness, and anxiety.
They Help With Inflammation
While we recognize that everyone takes a fatty acid supplement, it can be useful even if you don’t take it with your breakfast every morning. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help reduce inflammations and swelling. That makes fatty acids a sensible remedy for a wide range of different symptoms, but it can be particularly effective when used to handle swelling associated with certain cancers and heart conditions.
They Can Keep Your Mind Sharper As You Age
Given the impact that fatty acids can have on ADD and even on the neurological development of fetuses, it should come as little surprise that it can also assist with degenerative neurological diseases. Mental decline is just an unfortunate side effect of aging, but omega-3 fatty acids have shown some effectiveness at helping with more serious neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.
The beneficial effects of fatty acids are pretty hard to argue, but changing up your entire diet is a lot to ask. Fatty acid supplements like fatty15 can make things much simpler. Just take one in the morning, and you can benefit from the myriad advantages that fatty acids have to offer.