(Newswire.net — May 18, 2020) — In the modern-day, most people turn on the radio in order to have a friendly voice talk to them while they do something else. This is because most people who really want entertainment will most typically turn to social media, video streaming apps like YouTube and Netflix or watch cable TV.
But there are still many people who love FM radio and many of them have their favorite stations. They usually have their reasons. It could be because of how they lean politically, the music they play, their shows or their favorite presenters who work in the radio station. Many people who choose to listen to a radio station will do so in order to listen to music. There’s something different about listening to your favorite song on radio. It gives a feeling of abstract camaraderie akin to a niche music concert. It’s not the same as listening to the same song on your iPod or home theater. The feeling is quite different especially when played by your favorite presenter.
For music lovers, there is no better place to discover new music and sub-genres they can love. Radio has a way of keeping us on our toes in music entertainment. You get to hear songs you never would have otherwise heard. They play the old and the new. Radio has a way of playing those sounds that make the memories come rushing back. For many music fans, their favorite show on radio is the top 40 songs of the week, month or year. Listening to the top songs collected by trained ears can be a heavenly experience.
Radio has influenced our taste in music. From Rock n’ Roll, disco, country, rock, hip hop, soul and blues, we’ve all watched radio convert these musical styles from niche genres to widespread acceptance.
Today, online radio and podcasts are also giving us freedom to choose the kind of music we want to hear.
But what if for some reason, the FCC decides music must no longer be played on FM radio, would you care? Would you be super excited, really sad or would you be indifferent?
Those Who Won’t Care
There are people who wouldn’t care if music is never played on FM radio again. There are a few reasons why this is so. Let’s take a look at some of them.
People Who Don’t Listen To Radio: There are people who have never made an effort to listen to radio and never will? As far as they’re concerned, radio is full of boring talk and small interludes of boring music. As you must have guessed, this group of people will mostly be found among young people below 20 years old. They would rather play video games, post pictures on social media and stream their favorite music videos online. What do they need radio for? Why would they care if music is never played again on radio? They wouldn’t even notice.
People Who Use Online Radio: People who use online radio streaming devices like Radiory will certainly not be affected by the disappearance of music on FM radio.
People Who Don’t Care Much For Music: This doesn’t mean they will have a fit or drop dead if you play a song. Some people are just tone-deaf. Imagine a classical music fan listening to hip hop or a blues fan listening to rock; then imagine someone who feels like these two people no matter what class of music is playing. Such people don’t care about music played anywhere, and they definitely wouldn’t care about music not played on the radio.
People Who Have Figure Out Their Music Taste: There are people who love music and enjoy them on radio. But they rarely hear their music tastes on radio. This can easily happen to older people who grew up in a different music generation. Sadly, apart from the evergreen ones, music from those generations are rarely played. You could only hear them on special occasions such as when the music legend who sang it dies. People in this generation may still listen to radio but not for the ‘gibberish they play these days and call it music’. They may be interested in the news, political analysis and radio shows, but not the music. Their own favorite songs are stored in CDs and cassettes. Music in FM radio can go to hell for all they care.
People Who Listen To AM: The first few years of radio broadcasting was dominated by AM radio. The advent of FM radio resulted in a decline in AM radio listeners. But there are still a lot of people who listen to AM radio. If Music is stopped on FM radio, they probably wouldn’t hear about it, and wouldn’t care.
People Who Would Care
This group belong to people who will be sad and people who will be happy. We will start with people who will be sad.
1. Music Lovers: Obviously, this group will kick off protests in the streets and demand their right to happiness. FM’s radio is a great source of music entertainment and inspiration for music lovers.
2. People who depend on FM radio for music: In this generation of advanced technological growth, some people still rely on radio to listen to music. This is because they are too poor to find alternatives to music entertainment. In 2020, some people still insert cassettes in radio sets in order to record their favorite songs on radio. If you take music away from FM radio, you’ve essentially taken music away from them.
3. Entertainers: Radio remains one of the cheapest and most reliable way to promote new music. It takes only a few plays from a radio station for a song to catch on with the populace. If music disappears from FM radio, where many music lovers are, it will cost music entertainers a lot of money in the form of lost revenue and money invested in other forms of marketing.
People Who Would Be Happy
These people will be happy that music is no longer played on FM radio. They may not pop that champagne at the top shelf, but they’ll be quite relieved.
1. People who think radio should be for serious business: These people think that playing music on radio is a waste of airtime. To them, radio should be for discussing important matters that affect society. Music is good but should have its place. Outside the radio, of course.
2. People Who Think The Music Is Not censored enough– especially those who have kids — will gladly see the back of music on FM radio. These people believe they can control what their children hear, otherwise.
3. People Who Own Online Radio: Online radio channels like Radiory have been with us for some years now but has so far failed to mount a serious challenge to the conventional radio. Perhaps, it will take the disappearance of music from FM radio to give them that chance.
So which category do you belong to? Can you imagine FM radio without music? Would you protest a regulation that bans music on FM radio or would you heave a sigh of relief?