3 Signs That Your Home’s Garbage Disposal Needs to Be Fixed

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By Alexander Hamilton

Your garbage disposal is a high-demand appliance and essential to maintaining clean and sanitary conditions in the kitchen. If it isn’t working properly, it can cause significant problems and lead to additional expenses you would probably rather avoid. You can do a lot to take care of it and avoid expensive repercussions.


One of the most important things you can do is spot the signs that it’s time to work with a professional repair service. Here are the three most important trouble signs regarding a garbage disposal that needs to be fixed.


1- Recurring Clogs

The primary function of a garbage disposal is to break up food waste before it goes down the drain to prevent clogs. If it fails in this regard occasionally, you may not have a mechanical problem that needs immediate attention. But if it happens often, it is probably not doing its job. Worn blades may cause regular clogs. Worn disposal blades will not break up food effectively, rather, they will mash material into a paste that might be even more likely to cause clogs. These blades can be replaced, resurfaced, or sharpened. Another cause of frequent clogging is an issue with the motor. In this case, the unit may not generate enough speed or force to do its work fully. Often, replacing the unit will be the best solution to both of these issues.


2- Strange Noises

Garbage disposal units can be expected to produce a lot of noise. This is good since it ensures you know when it is in operation. But if the noise is abnormal, and persists after clearing the drain, it is an almost sure sign of a mechanical issue. Common irregular disposal noises include high-pitched whines, irregular grinding noises, and more. While it could be that a hard object has found its way down there, it could also be a mechanical problem. Disposal parts may have come loose. Broken blade pieces may be present, or some other issue may be involved. Whatever the cause, if it persists after you have cleared the drain, it is probably time to call in the pros.


3- Visible Rust

When the stainless steel ring that is visible from above has become rusty, that is an all but certain clue to deeper issues. Stainless steel is highly corrosion-resistant, but it is not corrosion-proof. Other metals inside the unit are not rust-resistant. This means if you see rust on the outside, other components are sure to be distressed. Rust on a modern disposal is also likely to indicate a leak. This will damage the unit in time if it has not done so already. Leaks must be dealt with as soon as possible since they will damage the disposal unit and cause a laundry list of other issues as well.

If you suspect your home’s garbage disposal needs to be fixed, reach out to a professional service that can fix the issue before any substantial damage occurs.