How to Grow a Good Muscle Body: Some Expert Advice

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By Alexander Hamilton

( — June 12, 2023) — Having a fit and toned body is crucial at any age. Muscle building is one of the best physical and physique improvements you can do. Not only will it help you look better, but it will help you feel physically and emotionally better.

Adding muscle does not happen overnight – it takes time. Muscle growth requires patience, persistence, and continued work. It also takes more than lifting weights. The fuel you put into your body is just as important.

The focus is on strength training (weight or resistance training). We are not talking about the extreme muscle-building you see with bodybuilders, although the information presented here can help if that is your goal. Proper muscle tone is crucial for your overall health.

Muscles are the body’s protectors, covering the bones to protect them from harm. Skeletal muscle, accounting for approximately 40 percent of total adult body mass, generates power and motion, propelling the body through daily activities. Walking, climbing stairs, housecleaning, cooking – essentially every action requires healthy muscle tissue.

This article explains the many benefits of building a muscular body and tips to help you accomplish your goals quickly and safely.

What Are the Benefits of a Muscle Body?

The first thing that comes to mind for many people when discussing the benefits of a muscle body is appearance, and while that is a benefit, it is far from the most important. Declining muscle mass (sarcopenia) can present significant problems, primarily if associated with decreased bone mineral density (osteoporosis). Muscle loss can increase the risk of age-related health conditions and injury, including cardiovascular decline.

Another age-related problem associated with muscle loss is decreased muscle strength (dynapenia), which occurs significantly faster than muscle mass loss. Reduced muscle strength increases the risk of mobility issues and loss of independence. With muscle loss comes decreased muscle oxidative capacity and changes in body composition, which, combined with reduced lung function and cardiac output, reduces maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max). VO2max and muscle strength are predictors for life span due to their integration of the cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems.

A muscle body plays an essential role in our health and emotional well-being.

  • Muscle helps burn calories

According to research, one pound of fat burns only 2 to 3 calories compared to 7 to 10 calories per pound of muscle. Even resting, one pound of muscle mass burns 5 to 6 calories daily. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body expends, which can help with weight loss. Your metabolic rate may stay higher for up to 72 hours after resistance training, allowing you to continue burning calories well after working out.

  • Improve your bone density

Building muscle entails lifting weights, which helps increase bone mineral density. The more you work your muscles, the stronger your bones become, decreasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

  • Lower the blood sugar levels

Skeletal muscle takes in blood glucose for energy. Increasing muscle mass improves insulin sensitivity to reduce blood sugar levels and lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. Exercise is also recommended for people with type 2 diabetes to help reverse their symptoms.

  • Better heart health

Resistance exercises to increase lean muscle help reduce LDL, total cholesterol, and blood pressure levels. Strength training improves blood circulation to strengthen the heart.

  • Reduces abdominal fat

Resistance training helps the body shed excess fat by increasing metabolic rate, reducing your risk of health issues associated with excess weight, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and other health concerns. As you lose fat and gain lean muscle, your body increases its ability to burn calories.

  • Supports cognitive health

Strength training helps to improve circulation, sending more blood to the brain. Exercise supports healthy cognitive functions, including processing speed and memory, protecting against age-related decline.

  • Improves your functional fitness level

Strengthening and building your muscle mass will help you perform daily activities. You will have more energy, strength, and endurance and less fatigue and injury risk. Activities require less energy and effort. Strengthening your muscles can also help reduce lower back pain and stiffness.

  • Make your body look fit

Building lean muscle is denser than fat, and it helps your body look more physically toned and fit. As lean muscle increases and fat mass decreases, you will achieve better muscle definition and look leaner. Because muscle also weighs more than fat, the numbers on the scale might not show as much of a difference as you see in the mirror.

  • Reduces your risk of falls and injuries

As you strengthen your muscles (and bones), you decrease the risk of falling. Improved range of motion and strength associated with weight-bearing exercises helps increase your flexibility and mobility. Your joints become stronger and better able to help you with movement and lifting.

  • Improves your mood 

Resistance training helps to increase the release of endorphins that regulate your mood. Working out reduces feelings of depression, stress, and anxiety, improving your mental health.

  • Increases your self-image, self-confidence, and self-esteem

As you build lean muscle mass, you see the changes in your body. Sticking with your exercise program is a confidence builder as you accomplish something you set out to do. As your body gets more physically fit, your self-image changes. You like what you see in the mirror and how you look in your clothes, and your self-esteem skyrockets, influencing all areas of your life.

  • Improves your overall quality of life

When you are physically fit and happy with your appearance and feelings, you will enjoy participating in activities and socializing with others. You will have less pain and illness, improved mobility, and more enjoyment in life.

Some Tips to Grow Faster Muscle Mass 

It is natural to want to accomplish any goal as soon as possible, but building lean muscle mass takes time and following the proper guidelines. The physiological process of building muscle is called hypertrophy. It involves working the muscle to cause stress and tears, allowing for repair that builds the muscle tissue up bigger and stronger.

We provide some tips to help you grow muscle mass fast and safely.

  • It’s essential to have a resistance training plan

Researching or getting help at a gym to create the appropriate strength-training plan for your body is crucial. You need to understand the process of hypertrophy and how to accomplish it. Getting specific about your goals can help you select exercises to benefit those muscle groups.

Starting slowly with the basic exercises is important before moving on to more complicated tasks. If you are unfamiliar with how to do a specific exercise or use the equipment, ask for help at the gym, especially if you are new to working out.

  • Structure your workout to avoid overtraining

Set tangible goals for yourself, such as how much weight and reps. Do not worry about how many pounds of muscle you gain; your body will respond to your training. Do not overtrain – work one part of the body one day, another the next, hitting each muscle no more than 2 to 3 times per week. If you cannot perform at least 8 reps, the weight is too heavy.

  • Eat more protein

Protein is the building block of muscle; you cannot build muscle without proper protein intake. You must provide the body with adequate protein to rebuild the muscle fibers to achieve muscle hypertrophy. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, daily protein intake should be 0.5 to 0.8 grams per pound of your body weight for optimal muscle maintenance. You can go up to 1 gram per pound if you are looking to build larger muscles.

  • Understand the difference between muscle mass and lean muscle mass

Lean muscle typically describes muscles not surrounded by fat, such as when a person has well-defined six-pack abs. Muscle mass is the total weight of your body’s muscles –what you see when working out to build muscle mass. A person can have significant muscle mass and still have excess body fat. To have lean muscle mass, you want to lose that excess fat. If you have questions about what is lean muscle mass and how to get it properly, you can speak with professionals who can help you achieve your goals.

  • Adjust your training program as you progress

As you build muscle and strength, your body will become used to the amount of weight and repetitions. Continuing the same regimen will inhibit further progress if it does not stress and damage the muscles. However, do not lift too much, as that can cause injuries. Assess and adjust your training routine regularly to get the best results. Listen to your body; it will let you know if you are straining it. Muscle-building should not cause pain.

  • Add multi-joint exercises

Compound exercises work muscles at multiple joints simultaneously, allowing you to increase lifting weight. Not only do they provide increased muscle-building benefits, but they also stimulate increased release of testosterone to promote muscle growth. Some good exercise options include pullups, squats, rows, deadlifts, and presses.

  • Have a protein drink before working out and carbs after

Consuming an amino acid, protein, and carbohydrate beverage 30 to 60 minutes before working out can help your muscles take in more muscle-building amino acids. Aim to consume approximately 6 grams of essential amino acids, 10 to 20 grams of protein, and 35 to 40 grams of carbohydrates. Consuming extra carbs post-workout, such as with a sports drink or banana, increases insulin levels to slow protein breakdown.

  • Breathe

Coordinating your breathing with lifting is crucial to supply oxygen to the muscles and the heart. Heavy lifting should take place during exhales, not inhales.

  • Sleep more

If you are not getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night, try going to bed a little earlier to increase your sleep duration. Sleep is when muscle repair occurs due to testosterone and HGH release.


Building muscle mass is essential to protect the body from injury and to support critical health functions. It is not about bodybuilding but ensuring your body is in the best shape possible.

It takes time to build muscle and lose weight if that is a concern. Taking the steps to reach your goal can help you live longer, feel healthier, and look better than you do today.