(Newswire.net — July 22, 2021) — The Burning Crusade is not the only big MMO launch happening this year. The Amazon tech emporium has launched into video game development in what appears to be a long-term project. The beginnings of this relationship date back to 2012, with the creation of the Amazon Appstore, with mobile games, and in 2014 the company announced that it was entering the development of consoles. Two years later, in 2016, it announced the first three games: Crucible, a battle for survival in an alien world where viewers watching the game on Twitch could interfere with the game; New World, a multiplayer open world with a strong political
component and Breakaway, an action game with two sides of four players each, a kind of MOBA designed for Twitch. Since then, Amazon Studios projects have had mixed luck: Breakaway was canceled and Crucible the last that has been known is that Louis Castle, creator of Command & Conquer, took the reins of the project in 2017.
Of those great initial projects, the only one that seems to have followed the path that had been marked from the beginning is New World, which we have now been able to beta-test. New World will become, if all goes well, the first major release of a video game from Amazon Game Studios. Its release is scheduled for PC, where it will try to carve out a niche in the crowded genre of massively multiplayer online titles. The adventure will be set on the island of Aetérnum, where we will be newcomers. In the beginning, we will join different factions or create our own with other users.
How to earn coins in New World
In all multiplayer games, just like World of Warcraft, having lots of gold or coins is very important because they will allow you to buy various “upgrades”. You can buy weapons and everything you need to level up your character. The methods are really identical as when farming gold in TBC WoW.
Here are some methods to earn coins in New World:
1. Complete the mission
Every time you complete a certain mission, you will be rewarded with a number of coins. Want to increase your coins? You can search for new quests in Settlements.
2. Farm coins
This method is not recommended for those of you who are impatient. You will have to spend more time generating coins with this method (compared to other methods).
3. Sell the loot
Every time you kill an enemy, you can loot the treasure. You can loot and sell the loot to vendors. But this method really depends on the level of the enemy you are facing. If you’re up against low-level enemies, don’t expect much!
4. Collect resources
Basically with this method, you collect various resources such as wood, steel, flint, or other more expensive materials. Collect as many as possible and sell! You should focus on rare materials as they can be sold at a high price in the market.
5. Buy the Coins
Perhaps the “easiest” money which only costs real money. If real money is not an issue for you, you can always purchase New World coins from the available websites.
A piece of advice:
Once you start your adventure in the New World, make sure you level up as quickly as possible so you can craft high-level items that you can sell for high prices. The higher your achievement, the more clients you will get. The more clients, the more coins you can earn. As simple as that!