(Newswire.net — January 30th, 2013) Houston, TX — New Children’s book encouarages journal writing, problem solving, and manners.
Best selling author, Brenda Trott, M.Ed released the first in a series of educational picture books for children 4-8. “Janie is the culmination of my own 3 daughters,” admits Trott, “but as I wrote these stories, she took on a personality of her own.”
Originally written to solve a problem in her own 1st grade classroom, Trott hopes Class Pet encourages other teachers to use journal writing and conversation to solve unusual behavior issues in their own classroom.
The main character in this children’s book for 4-8 year olds, Janie, is having difficulty behaving properly in class. Her classmates are having a difficult time doing thier own work because Janie is busily crawling about the classroom acting like a dog.
Although the Janie is the main character in this picture book for children, the other children in the class are the ones to present a problem. “It is a real lesson in group communication to solve a problem.”
When asked about the pictures selected for this book, Trott admits they are unusual for a children’s book. They were selected from a variety of other children’s stories and brought together to illustrate this story “without overwhelming the reader’s imagination.” “We teach children that good readers make movies in their minds, and so these clasic illustrations are designed to give just enough of a reference to make some even better images in thier mind.
Brenda Trott, M.Ed is an educator, parenting coach and entrepreneur. She started writing children’s books when she was just a child herself. Class pet was the first children’s book for 4-8 year olds from Trott that hit the best seller’s list the first day of it’s release. It is currently in the top 100 Children’s books for 4-8 year olds about mannrs.
Trott says readers can be on the look out for more in the Janie Picture Book series. Each is designed to solve a common problem held a first grader but not easily identified in children’s books already available.
Class Pet is currently available exclusively on Amazon.com for $2.99