3 Reasons Why Guest Blogging Sends Website Traffic Through the Roof

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(Newswire.net — April 25, 2013) Melbourne, VIC — Guest blogging has become more popular than ever as business owners strive to increase online presence and credibility in their niche. With the power of the internet at their fingertips, customers search on the web for answers, quality information and expert advice, and it is certainly a worthwhile excerise to share content across your niche blog network.

According to the Founder of Multipleincomes.net “Guest blogging creates the opportunity to enjoy a little “built in” trust that you’d take months to gain with your own blog or website. It is a low risk way to brand yourself as an expert in your niche and gain credibility and following quickly”.

Multipleincomes suggested three reasons why you should use guest blogging to drive traffic:

Quality links
Google is now looking for quality links more than quantity. Aim to guest blog on websites that are ranking high on the search engines. When you guest blog, site owners will allow you to place a URL in the author box which gives you the opportunity to create a link back to your site. This referral link is certain to provide targeted and quality traffic back to your website and boost organic search rankings.

More Social Media exposure
When you post content, readers can tweet, like, share, recommend on social platforms. Social media alone drives half of the traffic to small businesses websites as previously reported. By posting epic content it will be shared across social media channels giving you more brand exposure, increasing google rankings and referral traffic.

When asking for permission to guest post on others websites, you have an opportunity to liase with influential or high authority figures in the industry. It is likely that these blog owners have been around for a while to gain high creditability to their website. These are a great source for future business referrals and support. When readers see your name frequently on guest blogs, you are branding yourself an expert in the industry, you will start to get a following and they will look at your offers before others.

About Multipleincomes.net

Multipleincomes.net show online marketers generate more website traffic and leads for their business. The site offers free training, strategies and resources that marketers can use to send immediate traffic. For a free training on how to generate 400-500 leads per month please visit www.multipleincomes.net.

