(Newswire.net — October 21, 2015) — Unfortunately, not all London rental properties have the big expansive rooms that so many tenants desire. However, by using a few of these simple tips, everybody can give their rooms the illusion of being much bigger.
Open It Up
Two rooms that are small and cramped can easily be made to look bigger (while keeping them as separate spaces) by opening them up to each other. You could simply remove any interconnecting door, but a much better way is to increase the access space through them. A quick and easy way to do this is to widen your doorways with a new lintel to maintain structural integrity (You should find many Steel fabricators london based who can make made to measure beams for all your doorways). This will make the property flow through the rooms and increase light too.
Keep an Eye on the Floor
If you keep the flooring consistent in your property, it will give the illusion of more floor space without actually adding any. Wood flooring is excellent for this (particularly if it is reflective) but, if you decide on carpeting, make sure it is either a light, solid colour or stripped to add length or width to the room.
Your Colour scheme
As we know, non-gloss white gives the greatest illusion of space, but there are other colours that will increase the appearance of a room too; so make sure you vary the colour scheme to avoid that “hospital” look. There are alternative ways to fool the eye into thinking a space is bigger with colours, and using stripes on your walls could be a good idea. Vertical stripes will make a room look much taller if your rooms have low ceilings, while horizontal stripes can add width.
Keep furniture away from walls, and allow for a walk-space through it. Choose furniture that is open underneath, and, if possible, with reflective surfaces like: a glass coffee table. Patterned furniture should be avoided, along with clumpy furniture. Chairs and sofas do not need overly stuffed arms and backs to be comfortable, so try to use streamlined furniture. If you really feel you need a large statement piece in your rooms, put them on the wall. Large pictures (or even better mirrors), can have the same effect, but not eat into the real space in your rooms
These are a great way to make a room look larger and add style, and mirrors should be used throughout a property (click here for a great article on the different ways to use mirrors). Hanging them on a wall in each room will add to the size of every room, but may seem like overkill; however, using cabinets with mirrored doors in rooms will be practical as well as stylish. Don’t forget that not only mirrors reflect, so use other materials that will do the same; glass and stainless steel furniture are perfect companions to the mirrors you use.
Sensible Lighting
Light can be natural or man-made, but either way can help you create the illusion of space. Any windows should be unobstructed during the day, and solid doors can be removed (see above) or replaced with glass to allow extra light to enter. Your lighting fixtures can be lowered to help increase the illusion of height, as well as to limit shadows that will make your rooms seem small, lighting should also be used to illuminate any natural areas of dark and shadow.
Hopefully these ideas will encourage possible tenants to see your property as the spacious area they dream of.