(Newswire.net — May 26, 2015) Steyning, West Sussex —
The official “A Bug Free Mind” Youtube video channel is currently hosting a score of testimonials, reviews, and verified feedback about the content of this popular personal development system designed by UK entrepreneur Andy Shaw. Several of the video recorded testimonials have come from the baby boomer generation, who never seem to tire in exploring new ways to make their life dreams come true. One such testimonial has been offered by UK born Clive Hale, who has publicly shared his learning experiences with others, while following the bug free mind system.
Clive has begun his video testimonial by saying how much the bug free mind system has helped him since he began reading the two books a few months earlier, called Creating a bug free mind and Using a bug free mind, and referring to them as workshop manuals rather than just books. He also says that they are not books that just get read one time round, but need to be read again and again, while confirming that he was just beginning to read the books for the second time. He adds: “It’s quite amazing what you actually miss the first time round, but now I’m just adding to my original chapter summaries, which acts as a great aid memoir for a baby boomer like me.”
He then explains why he bought the books in the first place, saying it was a question of when the student is ready the teacher arrives. He adds: “Other self help books seemed to be missing certain ingredients, which I felt were indeed well presented in Andy Shaw’s bug free mind system. This has really helped to make a big difference in my life, having already started up two new businesses since getting stuck into the personal development course.” He also mentions that he has began to start writing a book of his own too, which beforehand he could never quite get his head around.
Finally the UK baby boomer records how he now manages to switch off that chatter monster in his mind fairly easily. He says it’s not been too much hard work, encouraging others to start the bug free mind course too. He ends off by thanking Andy Shaw for writing the self help books, which finally managed to give Clive the life he had always desired. Full details about the bug free mind system, including further customer reviews, and free access to the first five chapters of “A Bug Free Mind,” can all be found on the official website called abugfreemind.com
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A Bug Free Mind
24 Bowmans CloseSteyning, West Sussex N44 3SR
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+44 07546277858