Aardvark Automotive Opens Nominations for 13th Annual Car Giveaway

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Since 2011, Aardvark Automotive has given away a car to a deserving Amarillo, TX resident through the Wheels to Prosper Program.

Aardvark Automotive, a long-time Amarillo, TX-based auto repair business is once again inviting the public to nominate deserving individuals for a chance to win a car. As one of the first independent auto repair shops to join the Wheels to Prosper program, Aardvark Automotive will begin accepting nominations beginning on October 28, 2023. All nominations must be received by November 25, 2023. The nomination form will be available on Aardvark Automotive’s website starting on October 28th.

The Wheels to Prosper program is designed to provide a “helping hand up” to a hard-working individual in need of reliable transportation. All nominating parties should include a brief letter detailing why the individual they are nominating is both in need of and deserving of a vehicle. The criteria for nomination includes:

Nominee must be 18+ years old, with a valid driver’s license with no warrants or tickets

Nominee does not own a vehicle

Nominee shows determination to improve their life

Nominee needs a reliable vehicle to improve their life

Nominee is a good, helpful member of the Amarillo community

Nominee must be able to raise the money for the tax, title, registration and six months of insurance

As in previous years, Aardvark Automotive will announce the winner of the 2023 Wheels to Prosper car giveaway ahead of the holidays on December 16, 2023, from their business located at 5825 Canyon Drive in Amarillo.

Previous winners of the Aardvark Automotive Wheels to Prosper car giveaway have included Amarillo residents who:

Needed reliable transportation to attend college or vocational school

Needed a reliable vehicle to transport children to school and after-school activities

Needed a reliable vehicle to transport family to and from frequent medical appointments and procedures

Needed a vehicle to look for work after a lay-off/downsizing

Needed a vehicle because they had experienced a significant pay cut or other financial hardship, and could not afford to purchase a car

According to Brandon Anderson, owner of Aardvark Automotive. “We know that individuals and families are struggling with higher prices, and higher costs of living, and need to be able to count on reliable transportation to get them where they need to go to improve their lives. It is our honor to provide that sense of security, by awarding them a used car that has been fully repaired, making it reliable and safe.”

Continuing Anderson said, “We love being able to play a small role in improving one of our neighbor’s lives by providing them with a vehicle that will help them get through difficult times and to the next level in life. It is our favorite initiative of the entire year, and we can’t wait to give another deserving individual the good news that they no longer have to worry about a lack of safe, reliable transportation.”

Locally owned and operated, Aardvark Automotive has provided complete auto repairs for all makes and models of cars, trucks, and SUVs since 1980. Some of the many services and repairs provided by Aardvark Automotive include brake service, oil changes, radiator repairs, pre-purchase inspections, engine performance diagnostics, heating and cooling services, electronic services, exhaust replacement and repair, steering and suspension work, emissions checks, and towing. All work is backed by a 3-month or 3,000-mile guarantee and a 12-month or 12,000-mile warranty on parts.

Aardvark Automotive is one of approximately 70 independent auto and truck repair shops in the nation to participate in the Wheels to Prosper program.

For more information, or to nominate an individual, visit www.aardvarkautorepair.com or call 806-242-1073.

Aardvark Automotive is a full-service auto repair shop located at 5825 Canyon Dr. in Amarillo, near Amarillo College and West Texas A&M University. Aardvark Automotive is a certified Bosch Service Center, maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, and is a member of the Automotive Service Association.

Source: https://newswire.net/newsroom/pr/00000000-https-www-aardvarkautorepair-com.html