(Newswire.net — January 7, 2014) — Houston, TX
Finding that certain “thing” that can make life fun again is a challenge for many of us. That “thing” is pursued in the form of medicines both prescribed and un-prescribed. The thing we pursue most often is happiness and physical well being.
If you were asked to take a tour of who you are, would you take it? Such a tour for many of us might reveal things best left alone. But often undertaking such tours under the guidance and high priced care of a psychologist or psychiatrist can be never ending with uncertain results. We are, of course, inhabitants of an instant gratification society.
What we know is that if we can control our mental attitude we have a pretty good chance of improving our physical health as well. Consider taking just an hour or two for the experience of “the Bars.” This therapeutic technique uses key points on your head. Once you’ve undergone a session, it relieves the tension and gives you a positive perspective on what worries you.
And that is the key isn’t it? Being able to positively go forward in life. Thirty-two different contact points, when applied correctly, can resemble a massage, but those points of contact will make all the difference in the world.
Gary Douglas, a noted specialist in “the Bars” technique says that at worst, undergoing treatment will feel like a great massage, at best “your whole life will change.” Its’ just that simple. Thirty-two contact points can change your life. And its effects are instant.
Depression is often steeped in thoughts of uncertainty about what’s next. Its’ certainly not going to be good. “The Bars” can give you that instant gratification we talked about earlier. This non-invasive technique can give you that positive certainty and the confidence we all need to make it in today’s world.
“The Bars” dissipate the electromagnetic component of thought. I know it’s a mouthful, but it simply means this: “The Bars” can help you change your point of view. For many of us, our reality creates our point of view. The thirty-two points used in this therapy allows our point of view to become our reality: Taking a positive view of our lives.
Feeling better is a great point of view. “The Bars” technique is being offered under the Access Consciousness program that includes an array of techniques that will change your outlook on life. Sometimes called Access Bars, this dynamic therapy is available in over 49 countries with over 2000 facilitators worldwide.
This painless technique is a gift worth giving to someone you care about. It is an opportunity to gain physical and mental peace in mind and body that we all desire. In Australia, there is the story of a young woman critically ill and unable to walk unassisted, who after undergoing an “Access Bars” session, literally got up and got on with her life. A soldier, afflicted with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) agreed to allow a therapist to “run his bars.” The results, along with access tools, gave this soldier peace for the first time in years.
Check out Gary Douglas and “the bars on http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2156/access-consciousness
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