Accidental Discovery is the Quickest Way to Build Muscle

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( — July 11, 2014)  — People often struggle with their strength and muscle gains and this has a lot to do with listening to health “experts” who encourage them to take a supplement to maximize their gains. Making money through supplements, magazine sales, or body building programs has become a huge business in the health and fitness industry. When a person is finally able to get through all the ads and outlandish promises (i.e. “Lose Unwanted Belly Fat in Two Days”) their brains are numbed and they miss the simple steps it takes to actually build muscle. The simple truth is that people who aren’t getting the strength and muscle gains they really want may find the root of their problem to be in their abs.


Tyler Bramlett, a highly sought after personal trainer, has seen far too many people do popular ab exercises and workouts completely wrong. This is a result of many “experts” giving the wrong advice to people and can even actually be causing back pain, bad posture, or even digestive issues. Just like other professionals in his field he often gave not too sound advice on strength and muscle building exercises. That is until he met Dr. James Vegher, a brilliant Doctor of Physical Therapy with nearly 20 years of experience specializing Neurologic Rehabilitation, and fully understood how to implement these three easy steps a person can take to build muscle significantly faster. Each step is more thoroughly discussed at the webpage 0-6packabs and Tyler shares valuable additional information here as well.


The three steps are titled “AVOID isolation training and split routines like the Plague”, “Say Goodbye To Endless Reps And FOCUS On Building Strength Instead”, and “Abs Are The KEY To Strength And Muscle Gains”.  Tyler emphasizes step number three and advises people to beware of most core training advice because it is ineffective. Most people already are aware that sit-ups, crunches, and side bends are terrible for their backs and are more damaging then advantageous but most people are oblivious to the fact that they are doing exercises like planks and leg raises wrong more often than not. In fact, Tyler himself would still been doing these exercises wrong also if he had not met Dr. James Vegher.


Dr. James introduced Tyler to a series of unconventional ab exercises, which the doctor was already using successfully with many patients for weight loss, eliminating back pains, and building six-pack abs. Dr. James Vegher had created and developed a series of core activation sequences that not only help with ab training but also help people get real and lasting muscle gains. The entire core activation series was created by Dr. James Vegher and it is considered by many in the health and fitness world as the most comprehensive ab training program ever created.


Click here to learn more about the Core Activation Series or to get the 0-6 Pack Abs program.


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