Actions Speak Louder Than Words: The Jim Keady Story

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( — August 14, 2015) — After being told to “sit down and shut up” by current New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Jim Keady who refused to back down is taking his refusal one step further by launching his own campaign for New Jersey General Assembly. What better way to show Christie that he wasn’t looking for 15 seconds of fame by criticizing the governor’s efforts, or lack thereof. He actually plans to do something about it. Despite that Christie and his supporters have pegged Jim Keady as a man only interested in ruffling feathers solely for publicity purposes, Keady’s history clearly shows different.


His comments that fired Christie up were clearly not selfish. If the Governor was letting $800,000,000 in Sandy recovery money sit idle, then Keady was obviously looking to benefit the hurricane victims by publicly bringing it to peoples’ attention in effort to get the Governor to act. In fact, Keady’s documented two-week effort, in which he actually rolled up his sleeves to assist clean up efforts after hurricane Sandy devastated thousands, speaks volumes to his dedication to help others; and to think Christie told him that he has actually “done the work.” 

Keady not only has selflessly helped others but also has worked to build compassion for others. When he was forced to resign after refusing to wear Nike products while coaching for St. John’s University Men’s Soccer Team, Keady took expressing how he feels about sweatshops one step further. In order to bring light of Nike’s unfair business practices in foreign lands, Jim not only began to disseminate the information he’d uncovered but also went to Indonesia himself. There he spent one month living in Nike employee slums, sleeping on a floor with rats and cockroaches, all while living on the same amount Nike pays the people he bunked with; $1.25 a day. Loosing twenty-five pounds and living in squallier, Jim Keady isn’t a man out for himself. 

Another great example of Keady’s dedication toward truth and social justice involves his actions as an Asbury Park city councilman. Risking his popularity and political seat, Keady’s dedication to truth led him to stand up and say something about the City’s Columbus reenactments fictitious reality. Columbus sought to bring genocide to the Native Americans, not friendliness. Although, his ideas aren’t always welcomed with open arms, Keady does not seek personal notoriety in expressing them; instead he seeks fair and just change. The only reason he does so publicly, is that issues must be brought to the forefront among a number who has the power to make a difference in order to get things done. If Christie thinks that Keady is in it for the fame, it makes one wonder what he’d have to say about Rosa Parks.

Keady isn’t your typical politician. With degrees in theology and psychology, as well as a background in professional soccer, Jim Keady is a religious educator, an athlete, an activist, a writer, a theologian, and a missionary. Because of this, his seat as an elected official was and will always be carried out in a way that focuses on being a team player in the plight for social justice and beneficial reform. Unlike other politicians, Keady truly cares for the people he serves, rather than worrying about his bank balance and making an impression on those with whom he rubs elbows. 

New Jersey needs a man like Jim Keady, because New Jersey has suffered with enough spurious, under-motivated, self-serving politicians to sink a ship in Raritan Bay. Planning to advocate for changes in the state’s failing pension plan, education reform, environmental preservation, and of course, the future progress of the Hurricane Sandy clean up efforts, New Jersey can be sure Keady not only has good intentions but also will work hard to follow through on his ideas. Despite his New Jersey loyalty, James will also continue his effort to put an end to sweatshop labor; which, ultimately will reduce the popularity of relocating U.S. business overseas. When asked about the whole issue with Christie, Keady expressed that sometimes it takes a little civil disobedience to make your voice heard; and as Assemblyman , you can be sure he’ll continue to speak his mind in order make a difference.

Jim Keady can be reached for Interviews/Appeareances via his Campaign/PR/Media Director Erin Saxton