(Newswire.net — May 8, 2014) — When AMG Services Group heard the animal hospital and shelter in their city was in danger of closing they vowed to do what they could to keep them afloat.
“Almost all of us here at AMG are pet owners and most of us use the local hospital fairly regularly. If you have a pet, you’ve been there at least once,” remarked Rhonda Wilson, product manager of AMG Services Group.
Due to new zoning regulations the hospital is due to pay more taxes this year and they are not sure they can absorb the cost.
“This was a big surprise to us when we received the notice in the mail,” says Carl Lawson, full time veterinarian at the hospital. “We double checked with the city just to make sure before we seriously started going over our options, which were not plentiful. When AMG Services Group offered their support we were more than grateful.”
Wilson continues, “We’ve already contacted a few other local businesses and although nothing is definite there has been much interest. We hope once some time to think it over has passed more and more businesses will join up in support.”
The hospital hopes that with a few more local businesses on board they will at least be able to make it through another year. From there they at least have some time to reassess and tackle the problem from more angles.
Lawson says, “AMG really started the ball rolling with this so we will always be in their debt. We know most of their employees on a first name basis, and a lot of us also grew up together so it really is a kind of extended family. Their donation plus all the volunteer work in the community has yielded us some time. If we get just one more business on board I think we will be above water, at least for the time being.”
AMG Services group is a local business specializing in indoor home remodeling and design. They have been serving the community for over five years now and say they are just getting started. With 10% of their summer profits going to the animal hospital, they are off to a good start.