(Newswire.net — February 13, 2015) Steyning, West Sussex — Andy explains that all the wise-men and prophets have said that for a complete fulfilment in life it’s necessary for us to know what we want, while admitting it would be a rough ride to overcome what’s probably the biggest plague on earth. Andy says that the problems begin when a whole stack of reasons come to mind about why it’s not going to be possible to make it actually happen.
International speaker Andy Shaw said… “The question is, if you can figure out what you desire, then which one of the A-Z success stoppers list will you fall at?” Andy then began to reel off the list of things that typically prevent people from getting the success they deserve, with examples like “being afraid to interact with people and network,” or “can’t take the risk,” and the problem of “no money to set up business.”
Andy explained how he came up with the success stoppers list during one of his flagship events last month, where his students put together the list including others like “can’t take criticism,” “don’t trust anyone,” and “lack of self-confidence.” He added… “At last month’s Success Made Certain event I got everyone to come up with al the reasons they could possibly think of about why their dreams wouldn’t happen. Actually, it’s one of my favourite parts of the event, as I’m not even there, so I ask them to bring all the reasons why, out into the open, without me being there on purpose. The 17 students came up with 95 reasons why their success was not going to be certain. However, on the morning of the final day of the recent event, they managed to overcome every single one of them before we reached lunch, with the final result being that it made their success certain!”
The best selling author of “Creating A Bug Free Mind” explained how important it was to have the right mindset first in order to attain success. He added… “If you are able to overcome your ego’s insistence to draw you away from working out what you really desire from life, then you will need to overcome all of the obstacles before you are able to move forward. By doing this, your success becomes certain!
A friend said to me in January 2011, “but Andy, how can you possibly know your success is certain.” So, I told him it really was a done deal. I hadn’t learnt at that time how to verbalise as well as I do now, because I’d figured out what I wanted, I had managed to overcome all of the mindset obstacles, and then managed to design the plan to implement my dream into my life, which in my own words is Success Made Certain.”