Announcing: Learning to Live Your Love Language, a couple retreat at Camp Allen

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Ed Green announces the launch of his new intensive five love languages (5LL) workshop in Nacogdoches, Texas. The program helps couples strengthen their relationship through learning how to live their love language.

A new intensive communications workshop in Nacogdoches, Texas, has been announced by Ed Green, renowned clinical social worker and author of the best-selling novel, “Escape from Insanity, Illusions and Lies”. The workshop will be held on September 18, 2021 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in Camp Allen.

More details can be found at

The newly announced communications workshop builds on the principles of the five love languages, which were initially described by Dr. Gary Chapman. The intensive program guides couples towards understanding what their love language is and how it is expressed, especially in a romantic relationship.

Dr. Chapman explained that love languages describe how a person expresses their affection towards another person. Individuals must know what their love language is, and that of their partner, to avoid miscommunication.

The five love languages are words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts. It is typical for a couple to have different languages, which may be a factor in arguments. Sometimes, a person may not feel that they are not “loved” when in reality, their partner does not “speak” the same language as they do.

Ed Green has worked with thousands of couples and understands the importance of the love languages in building a happy relationship. He crafted the intensive one-day workshop to help more couples understand each other.

The workshop will be facilitated by Ed Green, LCSW, LPHA, and Cindy Cline, a recognized life coach and Director of Sacred Services at Unity of Houston. The program will reacquaint participants with their love language and help them understand how the pandemic may have affected it.

Additional information about the workshop is available at

There will be experiential exercises so that couples can learn the different subtleties of the love language dialects. Participants will learn how the love languages are expressed in different scenarios as a step to learning how to live their love language.

Green writes, “This workshop will introduce each participant to the five love languages that are so important to understand in any relationship.”

Interested couples who register before September 11 will receive a 10% early bird reduction.

Interested parties can find more information by visiting