Antibiotics Now Found to Weaken Flu Defenses in the Lung

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( — March 14, 2022) Orlando, FL — Over the years, researchers have been carrying out studies to investigate the negative effects of antibiotics. This is especially true in these times when this type of medication is widely misused or overused. 

A mouse study spearheaded by the Francis Crick Institute has revealed that antibiotics can make the lung vulnerable to flu viruses. Further, this type of medication may significantly worsen infections and symptoms. 

The findings of this interesting research were published in Cell Reports. 

The researchers have particularly revealed that signals from gut bacteria aid in maintaining the first line of defense in the lining of the lung. When mouse subjects with healthy gut bacteria were infected with the flu, around 80 percent of them survived. 

However, it is worth noting that only a third actually survived if they were given antibiotics before being infected.

“We found that antibiotics can wipe out early flu resistance, adding further evidence that they should not be taken or prescribed lightly,” explains Dr. Andreas Wack, who led the research at the Francis Crick Institute. 

“Inappropriate use not only promotes antibiotic resistance and kills helpful gut bacteria, but may also leave us more vulnerable to viruses. This could be relevant not only in humans but also in livestock animals, as many farms around the world use antibiotics prophylactically. Further research in these environments is urgently needed to see whether this makes them more susceptible to viral infections.”

The study has shown that type I interferon signaling was key to defense early on. It is worth noting that type I interferon signaling is known to regulate immune responses. 

“We were surprised to discover that the cells lining the lung, rather than immune cells, were responsible for early flu resistance induced by microbiota,” says Andreas. 

More and more studies are highlighting the negative health issues linked with antibiotics, especially their misuse or overuse. It is important to note that today, experts are increasingly recommending some measures to reduce the need for these medications.

Individuals who are prone to urinary tract infections may consume more water or do other preventive remedies to lessen their risk of the infection. Doing this would be significantly helpful in lessening the odds of having the infection and the need for the medication.

There are also certain remedies like the use of D-mannose that may be helpful. This therapeutic sugar has been found helpful in lessening the odds of UTIs. There are even many who use this remedy as to a safer alternative to antibiotics.

Today, it is used widely through extra-strength formulas like Divine Bounty D-mannose.


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