(Newswire.net — November 30, 2014) Los Angeles, CA — Athletic Greens has been providing high quality nutritional supplements since 2009. Their most popular supplement is their greens superfood powder with seventy five whole food sourced ingredients. Since its introduction this nutritional supplement has been increasing people’s energy without the sugar crashes that often come with caffeine and energy drinks. Recently, some Athletic Greens users decided to share what they experienced after using the green powder for five days and again after using it for two weeks.
The first review comes from Mia C. who commented after using Athletic Greens for five days. She was a coffee addict who also needed energy drinks and sodas to get through each day. Looking for an alternative source of energy she started adding Athletic Greens to her morning schedule and quickly experienced increased energy throughout the day. During her review Mia says “It took 5 days for me to feel the difference in my energy levels after taking athletic greens. By day 10 I knew this was something I wanted to continue to take daily… On top of feeling great my skin in clearer, nails stronger and hair healthier than before!”
Just like Mia there are many others who have shared their stories and experiences with Athletic Greens. Another recent review came from Tyler A. who shared his opinion after two weeks of use. Prior to using Athletic Greens he was experiencing indigestion problems but those issues were corrected by the essential nutrients and probiotic ingredients in the product. Specifically his review said “So it’s been about 16 days since I’ve started using Athletic Greens and I have to positively say that I have seen major body functional improvements without a doubt! My overall vitality has improved and I feel better throughout the day.” He goes on to thank Chris “The Kiwi” Ashenden who helped develop Athletic Greens.
Chris Ashenden developed this greens supplement because he was tired of wasting money on multivitamins and pills that were not being absorbed by his body. If the body is not absorbing the ingredients from a supplement then it is completely useless. One reason Athletic Greens is so effective is because each of its seventy five ingredients were carefully selected in optimal amounts to help people avoid nutritional deficiencies and improve nutritional health. By adding Athletic Greens to a person’s daily routine they can get all their daily vitamins and vital nutrition in less than thirty seconds each day.
To learn more about Athletic Greens and to see what others are saying about their premium superfood cocktail visit their website today.
The company is also giving away a free report for a limited time with their top food choices for energy. Get a copy today by visiting www.ultimateenergyguide.com