(Newswire.net — October 14, 2014) Mesa, Arizona — What is the key to attracting monen? Andrrea Hess rightly points out a very common experience; that of getting money in ways that we do not expect. The only problem thus far has been how well can one explain this phenomenon. Concepts about money normally takes me back into time, but first we have to think and appreciate how we are conditioned to feel about money. From the time that we are young, we are reminded that money makes the world go round, but when we grow up the value of money turns from what we can afford to buy into a personality. Personality in terms of how much money you can earn in an hour or paycheck. If we are getting money in ways that we do not expect, it is probably because of how well or bad we have trained our mindset about money. There are a couple of ways in which we can train our mindset regarding this issue; first it is important that we don’t entrust our finances entirely to other people, and instead have faith in our own ideas in order to take control of our financial future. It is also generally safe to operate from a position of abundance rather than that of scarcity.
Andrrea observations are very interesting, I have several accounts of personal experience based on the realities she has mentioned; where the money shows up in different directions such as through an unexpected job offer, or the spouse gets a raise or a new total different client comes along in the business. Although I have always wondered why this happens, I have always thought of it as something I could stride along with simply because some form of income is in reality flowing through. However, many questions abound, for instance, could it be that I am doing something wrong? Andrrea clearly unravels this mystery by explaining that when money shows up through odd avenues, it can both be a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing because it shows that we have an inherently vibrational congruent to money. In essence, because of our alignment, money has to show up. Andrrea calls this the – Universal Law; heck we need money for our daily expenses and also to live comfortably.
Andrrea’s second explanation concerning the good part is that money must flow like water through whatever channel that provides the path of least resistance. Just like the gravitational force, Andrrea categorically explains that for money to flow in a boundless manner it is not going to bust through the walls, instead it will flow around them to you. The path of least resistance may be succinctly odd enough to decipher, but I like Andrrea’s example of a job offer for something you do not want nor expect or success in your spouse’s business. I once had this experience; I was yearning for some money to expand my business, and was contemplating spinning off some of my dead assets reluctantly, but before I know it my spouse got a far better job offer. This took me by surprise, despite the fact that I know patience pays. I had to swallow my pride and accept the new developments.
Pertaining to the negatives of finding money the wrong way, I absolutely agree with Andrrea’s observations. Money may indeed not flow according to our anticipated money channels such as business or work, simply because these channels are not vibrationally congruent to the money we are seeking. In this case, the job or business may not be accurately aligned to attract the money; this is also like saying that money, like a magnet is always out looking for an attracting. To critically examine the scenario above, Andrrea contends that the mismatch is due to the fact that the job offer is not a sign from the universe and the business may not be vibrationally aligned to your personal abundance level. This expression certainly explains why it may not be always wise to expect everything to happen as we plan, especially when it comes to money matters.
Andrrea’s further insights regarding the wrong channel manifest is that, the designated business channel may not be a congruent to attract money into our experiences because there are not enough people that know about us or your work we do, or because we are not communicating the value of our work effectively. The other reasons could be because we are not making enough offers to people, or because we are not charging enough money based on the available pool of customers. I found the solutions advanced by Andrrea particularly captivating, when I look at my own personal experiences. I particularly like the first response, that it is time to focus less on the energetics of attracting abundance and instead focus on reaching out and serving more people. I agree with this concept because, I believe that giving is a powerful means by which we can attract anything we need. This is because generosity is often the door to abundance.
Andrrea adds that developing a more effective marketing strategy through communication can make many people to understand about our existence, which should help open up the a wider market avenue. This is essentially marketing 101, where the customer is king. I also believe that, although money cannot solve our problems, nobody should ever be afraid to chart his or her own path to success. This is especially true because scarcity just like abundance stems from how we conjecture our mindset. One way of developing a successful mindset is by blocking the negative feedback’s and instead learn how to think differently and more proactively because our brains are the most effective tools for success. I like the way Andrrea ends this pulsating article by saying that instead of crying foul when things are not moving in the right direction, we should all understand that we are the bosses of our own universe and channels. Highly scintillating article I must admit. Keep it up, Andrrea!
About Andrerea Hess