Auckland Back Pain Relief Expert – Posture Correction Exercise Program Launched

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Back Pain Auckland (+64-27-660-4623) led by Shane Lyons, a CHEK trained exercise coach and former high-performance athlete, has launched a holistic back pain relief exercise program for individuals with back pain due to unresolved sports injuries, work injuries, or bad posture.

The launch of the new back pain relief program at Back Pain Auckland brings world-class kinesiology techniques that help clients enjoy freedom from pain without painkillers. The clinic is headed by Shane Lyons, a former international gymnast trained in human biomechanics, orthopedic rehabilitation and sports performance.

More details can be found at

The newly launched program includes a comprehensive assessment and the implementation of targeted back pain protocols to identify specific issues and create an individualised corrective exercise program. Back Pain Auckland takes a holistic approach to pain relief. The causes of back pain and treatment modalities may vary based on the individual’s lifestyle, level of activity, and general health.

Back pain is one of the most prevalent medical complaints and has been estimated to impact eight out of every ten people at some point in their lives. Back pain can range from mild discomfort to acute, stabbing agony. Acute back pain can flare up without warning and lasts anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Chronic back pain is defined as pain that lasts longer than three months.

Back pain is a major reason for people to miss work and seek medical help because it is inconvenient and debilitating. In one New Zealand study, 16.9 per cent of respondents said chronic pain had an impact on their life, and 47.5 per cent of those with chronic pain named the back or neck as the site of their pain.

Back Pain Auckland’s approach treats the body as a completely integrated organism that includes physical, hormonal, mental, and emotional aspects in accordance with the CHEK (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) system. The initial, comprehensive posture and spinal assessment helps therapists determine which muscles are long and weak and which muscles are short and tight, essential to understanding the length-tension body balance and its and relationship to an individual’s current back pain.

Treatment to restore the body’s harmony then involves a personalized exercise program that both stretches the short, tight muscles and strengthens the long and weak ones, in order to help patients achieve freedom from pain as quickly and safely as possible. In acute cases, SCENAR (Self-Controlled Energy Neuro-Adaptive Regulator) therapy may be included in an individual’s treatment plan.

SCENAR uses gentle, therapeutic electro-stimulation to trigger the body’s natural adaptive response for the alleviation of acute and chronic pain and physical dysfunction on and through the skin. Essentially, the device aids the brain’s ability to launch the most appropriate healing response for each individual.

“We know how debilitating back pain can be and the frustration so many people feel when there are no easy medical answers,” said a company spokesperson. “Our holistic and personalized approach backed by orthopedic and sports performance training can make a real difference in our clients’ lives.”

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