(Newswire.net — March 31, 2016) New York, New York — Austin Ruse, president of the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) cited the threats that the recently proposed global U.N. tax poses to unborn children. A noted columnist and family rights advocate, Ruse warns that the proposed tax would have a number of significant implications with regard to the rights of families and individuals all over the world.
The tax is being proposed by a U.N. panel on humanitarian assistance, and will be discussed during the World Humanitarian Summit to be held in Istanbul in May, 2016. Revenues generated from the tax will be used to fund U.N.-sanctioned activities.
For Ruse and many others, the proposal isn’t as harmless as it may initially seem. The founder of C-Fam, Ruse warned against the dangers that the proposal poses to family and individual rights, saying that “Fewer proposals at the UN are more dangerous than this one.” Ruse went on to say that the tax proposal “must be stopped.”
Ever since the U.N. was founded, its projects have been funded solely by voluntary contributions from member states. Previously, donor nations were given the discretion to abstain from contributing funds if they so decided. A notable case was the “Oil-for-Food” campaign, which the United States declined to support. If the proposed U.N. global tax is to be implemented, donor nations may not have the option to withdraw their funding.
Ruse also warned of the dangers of providing the U.N. with a revenue source that would be largely free from accountability. For the C-Fam president, the tax proposal essentially provides the U.N. with an uncontrolled revenue stream in the “guise of humanitarian assistance”.
One of the key issues highlighted by Ruse and other critics of the proposal is the ideological divide between the General Assembly of Member States and the U.N.’s bureaucracy and agencies. When the General Assembly is called upon to decide on controversial issues, bureaucratic factions tend to ignore these issues and attempt to direct the discussion towards their own agenda. This was especially apparent during discussions on transgenderism and abortion. With the institution of independent funding, this problem will only get worse.
Proponents of the global tax state that the funds generated will be used for humanitarian assistance. However, the term ‘humanitarian assistance’ has become somewhat elastic over the years. For Ruse, the establishment of an independent revenue stream for the U.N. will almost certainly result in the expansion of radical homosexual and pro-abortion advocacies.
About C-FAM
Ruse is the President of US-based research institute Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam). A regular contributor to sites such as Breitbart.com, and publications such as Crisis Magazine and The Catholic Thing, has had a lengthy professional career even prior to founding C-Fam, having worked for a number of prominent publications such as Forbes, Fortune, the Atlantic Monthly and Rolling Stone.
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