has launched an unprecedented documentary, “Betrayal”, which explains the causes of autoimmune disease and proves that it is possible for these diseases to be reversed., a website dedicated to educating people that recovery from autoimmune disease is possible, has launched a ground-breaking documentary series. “Betrayal” explores why so many people suffer from debilitating symptoms caused by autoimmune disease and why functional medicine cannot cure them.
More information can be found at
The launch of the nine-episode series helps the millions of people who have lost their quality of life because of these terrible diseases to understand the cause of their condition. More importantly, “Betrayal” offers solutions and gives people hope.
Autoimmune disease occurs when the body’s natural defense system – the immune system – can’t tell the difference between the body’s cells and foreign cells. Consequently, the body mistakenly attacks normal, healthy cells and this causes disease.
Experts claim that autoimmune disease has become a global epidemic. In America alone, there are over 72 million people suffering with more than 130 conditions including multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease and skin disorders
Many people who are diagnosed with an autoimmune disease are told by medical professionals that there is no treatment and no hope of improvement.
Dr. Tom O’Bryan, founder of and host of “Betrayal”, has travelled the world to consult with over 85 well respected experts, doctors, professors and scientists. His research provides evidence that autoimmune disease can be cured.
“Betrayal” takes viewers behind the scenes of the autoimmune industry and reveals hidden facts about why so many people are constantly sick. The documentary brings the newest information, solutions and treatments which will improve millions of lives.
Episodes include: “Autoimmune Disease Revealed: The Shocking Truth”, “Success Stories: Reversing MS / Psoriasis / Lupus / Asthma / Chronic Fatigue and more”, and “Patients Share their Secret Path to Healing”.
Dr. Tom O’Bryan is an internationally recognized leader and expert on autoimmune disease and metabolic disorders. He has more than 30 years of experience as a functional medical practitioner and is passionate about bringing an end to the epidemic of autoimmune disease.
A grateful patient said: “This is without exception the best documentary I have ever seen. Before I felt all alone… Now I feel like part of something, a brotherhood of true healers committed to communicate the good news, that there is hope.”
Further information can be found at