(Newswire.net — July 17, 2014) Steyning, West Sussex —
Best seller author of “A Bug Free Mind” Andy Shaw told me in a recent interview that he didn’t spend too much time looking at the opposite side to success, as frankly he knew that studying the problem just wasn’t the solution, and that in fact it would just cause the problem to expand. He continued by saying that there were times though when the problem just needs to be expanded on a little so we can actually begin to feel enough pain to make the required changes to make life easier.
Andy stated in his own words “it is when all people feel enough pain that it allows them to overcome their lack of self confidence and do what they want to do with their life, instead of letting it slip away from them… So if your life is not going according to the way you once dreamed it would, and you’ve reached the point of wondering, why is life so hard? Then what I am going to cover in today’s interview are just a few of the traits that make up a ‘failure mindset. In fact, if you notice them, you become aware of them, and great power to change waits for you in awareness.”
“What I’m about to reveal also just happens to be the mindset of most people on the planet and if anyone reading this is not living the life they desire then they are almost certainly one of them.” said Shaw, followed by this quote by Napoleon Hill “Whatever we give our dominant attention to, becomes our reality.”
Mr Shaw then got up on his footstool and began by saying… “Successful people focus on what they desire… and they work in every way they can possibly conceive to bring that desire into their reality. They dream about where they are going but they focus their work on doing the steps which are needed to take them there. Unsuccessful people focus on what they don’t have and what they don’t want. They do not have a clear picture of what they do want, so they can’t focus on that…. because they can’t see it! Instead they focus on the lack of what they want.
So I asked Andy what his solution would be to just make life easier, and he replied “the easy solution for them is therefore to focus on their lack of money because they see that as the solution to their problems. They wrongly assume that money alone will improve their position and their self esteem. However, money has its own set of problems, but unsuccessful people can’t slow down to notice that. They see money as the solution to everything and that they will deal with the problems that come with it, when they get to it… They think that when they get there, then there will be much better than here, so they would rather have that.”
Andy said that if any reader could identify themselves with such a mindset, then they are concentrating on lack and will not create abundance, as you cannot create what you want by focusing on the opposite. He continued by telling me that the solution is to not focus on what you don’t want but to create a world where when you have what you desire, what you are struggling with right now to get away from… simply cannot exist. In a nutshell he said “Successful people focus on what they desire… and they work in every way they can possibly conceive to bring that desire into their reality.”
So I asked Andy what he meant by being a failure through working too much, and he replied… “Yes, using excessive effort can also be a stumbling block. You see, successful people are seen as the hard workers, the ones who will go the extra mile, however, this is only a poor understanding of the success mindset. Successful people work hard in specific high value and high return areas… They do not just work hard, they work hard on an area which will get them the greatest results from the work they do. In fact most successful people I know are lazy, they will not do anything that does not produce for them the results they are looking to get. They work hard (i.e. they pay now) so that they can relax later.”
He continued in his normal confident style and said… “an unsuccessful person wrongly assumes that if they work 1,000 hours that they will be better off. They consider that they have worked 40 hours a week for a year then they must be better off… This assumption leads then to the wrong conclusion. They know that they are better off and because they know it, they don’t bother to get a calculator out and measure it. If they measured it then they would find that they are no better off, and may actually be worse off both in life and financially. They have also invested 1 year from their lifetime of work account, so they invested 1/45th of their account and got no return.”
Andy Shaw continued to tell me many more truths about an unsuccessful mindset, and I was left wanting to ask him a lot more questions, at which point Andy said, “if you stopped me and asked me for just one piece of advice which would make your life easier, and lead to your eventual success, it would be this… go and read the first five chapters of my book here:- http://www.abugfreemind.com And expect to find out something extremely powerful about yourself which you DO NOT CURRENTLY KNOW. This first step will lead you in the direction which you must follow if you wish to bring about your dreams within this lifetime.”
Get more info about Andy Shaw’s “A Bug Free Mind” books here:- http://www.abugfreemind.com/success-offer