(Newswire.net — September 24, 2020) –When you are considering reordering checks, we are certain that the first resort that comes to your mind is the bank. However, for those of you who might not know already, let us share a piece of information with you. Most banks will only send you the first checkbook for free; following that, no matter how many more you order, you will have to pay for them by burning a hole in your pocket.
But, what’s interesting here is that getting checks and deposit slips sent over by the bank is not the only recourse you have available at hand. If you look up the internet, you will come across innumerable check printing companies that offer their services at incredibly low rates and have a wide collection of interesting styles and designs that can be watermarked on the checks. The catch is, not all these check printing companies featured on the internet are trustworthy, and some of them might even generate checks that aren’t stringently secured against fraudulent activities.
Therefore, to help you out a bit and make sure you know the best place to order checks from without getting ripped, in the following segment, we will be jotting down the names of a few high-quality retailers that have been accredited the most by their previous customers.
- Deluxe checks
The best part about ordering checks from Deluxe checks lies in the verity that they are guarded by several security features including micro-printing, heat reactive printing ink, and special paper. All these features, accumulatively, can decrease the chances of copying and tampering the checks by a huge margin.
The flat rate of printing checks from Deluxe checks is $117 for 400 of them, which is a tad more than the charges quoted by other providers. Nevertheless, taking into account the number of enhanced security features embellished in them, the price can be treated as a fair deal. Also, Deluxe checks have earned a B- with the BBB.
- Checks Unlimited
Apart from being fortified by the Securiguard advanced security, special paper, micro printing, and treatments that cannot be replicated or scanned, the checks produced by Checks Unlimited have EZShield for fraud protection. According to users, the Blue Classic checks are one of the best-sellers of the company and come with almost all of its security features. If you place an order for four of these boxes (that is 400 checks) you can get them for $52.92 only, which accounts to 30% lesser of what you would have had to pay if you ordered a single box. Furthermore, Checks unlimited have been graced with an A+ rating by BBB.
- Checks in the Mail
If you are buying checks from Checks in the Mail, one thing that you can be certain about is that their checks are as secure as those sent by your bank itself. Quite like the security features included in the checks mentioned in the preceding section, the checks from this retailer are equipped with micro-printing and CSPA padlock icons to guarantee improved protection.
Needless to say, you can order as less as only 25 checks but, when you will save more if you opt to buy anything more than 200 or 300 checks. In fact, Checks in the Mail sell their blue safety checks that flaunt an A+ rating from BBB for only $35.50 for 200 checks.
- Bradford Exchange
Bradford Exchange is, undoubtedly, one of the top names in this domain that renders its customers with checks that can resist tampering through chemical protection, unlawful copying, and scanning and includes the padlock icon to boost security augmentation. If you are someone who writes out checks often and that too, usually on the behalf of your business, you can turn to EZShield check protection just to be on the safer side of things.
Regardless of how many checks you buy from the company, all of them will cost you the same. The rate for 4 boxes of checks, that is, 480 checks, is $79.80 and they have been rewarded by A+ rating BBB for their unflinching commitment to customer service.
- Check Advantage
What distinguishes the checks from Check Advantage is that they have different security features for those that are to be used for business purposes and the ones that will be personal checks. Nonetheless, this shouldn’t prompt you to think that the personal checks are guarded with a lesser number of security features when contrasted against their business counterparts.
4 boxes that contain around 400 checks will cost you $44.05 and as a bonus, the company sends 150 single checks which are way higher than the 100-mark followed by most companies. Check Advantage too has an A+ rating from BBB, which implies, that you can trust the company with all your needs and not think twice!