Best Selling author Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup of the Soul Series) has endorsed Newsiwre first book launch. Newswire Publishing, a subsidiary of Extensions, Inc., (OTC:EXTI), is demonstrating the power of consolidated open source journalism with the release of their very first publication being labeled a ‘must read’ by highly respected bestselling author Jack Canfield, co-author of the popular “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series. The publication is due to hit the bookstore shelves in November of this year and is titled “Confessions of a Bank Director: The Entrepreneurs Guide to Credit, Capital and Cash Flow” and is written by international healthcare specialist Dr. Barkat Charania. After reviewing the book through Newswire Publication’s site, Canfield stated “It takes a special person to turn adversity into success and despair into hope — yet that is exactly what Dr. Charania has done with this book; it is a must read for anyone who considers themselves an Entrepreneur.”
This caliber of celebrity support for Newswire Publishing’s very first book venture is analogous to a new car manufacturer rolling out their prototype and having NASCAR champion Mario Andretti request to endorse it after a test drive. creates the kind of opportunities for important partnerships to be forged at lightning fast speeds. Their network of distribution channels links people with the kind of resources necessary to have their products, services or skills launched successfully. The professionals at Newswire Publishing also help devise and promote marketing strategies and media campaigns that gets their clients the kind of attention that gets results.
Dr. Charnania’s first book, called “Confessions of a Bank Director” for short, gives entrepreneurs a look at how their projects are viewed by bankers, a perspective rarely revealed to ‘outsiders.’ His stories are full of insights designed to help new and expanding businesses learn how to anticipate the objections they may encounter while securing the financial capital they are counting on to reach their goals. Dr. Charnania draws on his years of experience on both sides of the table, as an entrepreneur and as a high level financial advisor to international companies. In the stories he relates are tips for crafting a business plan in the kind of terms that gets banker’s attention and opens up the flow of cash. With this kind of knowledge, the savvy entrepreneur can understand what is going on behind closed doors and plan appropriately.
Jack Canfield has received astounding acclaim as co-author of the bestselling series “Chicken Soup for the Soul” that has already sold 112 million copies and has been translated into 40 languages. The popular series is licensed and being adapted for television and internet outlets to provide life improvement programs. Mr. Canfield also created a non-profit agency in 1988, The Foundation for Self-Esteem, in Culver City, California that has provided self-help seminars to over 800,000 participants.
Newswire Publishing’s dynamic strategies are presenting ‘books at the speed of news’ and paving the way for consolidated open source journalism to become the 21st century portal for information dissemination. Their team realizes that the next bestseller is just a hot topic away, so they supply their clients all the latest tools and tricks of the trade for maximum exposure. For more information, contact Newswire at or visit their webpage at