Best-selling Author Teaches Entrepreneurs to Build a Business In a Weekend

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( — February 14, 2014) Los Angeles, CA — If you’ve ever considered starting a business but thought it would be too difficult or too much work, then you’re not alone.  The very notion of building a business is daunting.  Enter Jesse Krieger, best-selling author of Lifestyle Entrepreneur.  He’s live on Google Hangout Friday, February 14, 2014 to share how anyone can start a business of their own in the course of a weekend.


Krieger, a highly sought-after business coach, disagrees with the notion that building a business has to take years of effort and untold amounts of money. He shares, “It doesn’t have to be a long drawn out process, I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs get started in under 72-hours.”


Krieger has hard data to back up his statement — he teaches an innovative course he calls Business in a Weekend.  The course, essentially a virtual business launch boot-camp, is taught live to students around the world over a Friday, Saturday and Sunday and has helped countless ‘wantrapreneurs’ finally get started.  


In the course, participants start by identifying their interests and passions. One of Krieger’s fundamental principles of starting a successful business is that you must build your business in an industry you’re passionate about.  Next, the aspiring entrepreneurs generate ideas and research them real-time.  And that’s just the first few hours – over the course of the rest of the weekend Krieger takes his students through the exact steps to actually build their new business online.  


John Sydney Hopkins, a recent student, had this to say, “This business training enabled me to see clearly how to build an online business quickly and methodically, in a way that allowed me to be creative and visualize several new business ideas.”  Krieger adds, “Business in a weekend is about taking action with an experienced coach and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs. Not to mention it’s a ton of fun!.”


Details on the live hangout are below.


When: Friday, February 14, 2014

Time: 4:00pm PST

Where: On Your Desktop, Tablet, Smart Phone

Cost: FREE

To Attend: Click here —


Learn more about Business in a Weekend at




For More Information contact:


Morgan Drmaj 


2520 N. Beachwood Dr., Apt #5
Los Angeles, CA 90068

(310) 997-2996