(Newswire.net — December 18, 2019) — Bethesda, ML — Located in Bethesda, Maryland, an Intravenous Vitamin Therapy service, that boosts energy, health and immunity whilst helping to prevent diseases, has been launched by Dr. Habib at the Next Health clinic.
Next Health, a medical clinic in Bethesda, Maryland specializing in Executive Physicals and preventative medicine, has launched an Intravenous (IV) Vitamin Therapy service professionally delivered by Dr. Habib. People living in and around the Bethesda area can benefit from this new IV Vitamin Therapy service at Next Health.
Go to https://nexthealth.org for further details.
Providing personally customized treatments and programs using the latest medical testing methodologies, Dr. Habib focuses on identifying the biological age of the patient by measuring their DNA ‘telomere’, or actual cell age, and scanning for any pre-cursors to disease.
With the launch of IV Vitamin Therapy another treatment option is now available at Next Health, that assists patients achieve true prevention of medical diseases, and the reversal of ageing factors, by focusing on cell and organ health, and reducing inflammation.
IV Viatamin Therapy is tailored individually for each patient and it has the capacity to: boost health and immunity, increase the pace of recovery from infections, reduce allergies, and help cure chronic fatigue. The therapy is designed to compliment any other treatments that may be recommended such as: Anti-Ageing Medicine, Detoxification Programs and Chronic Disease Prevention.
Dr. Habib opened the doors of his Next Health clinic back in 2001, and today they offer customized programs based on the patient’s unique DNA, biomarkers and other harmful signals. With the launch of the IV Vitamin Therapy service, the disease prevention capabilities are enhanced at Next Health.
The Next Health way is to “predict, prevent and energize” the person for optimal health, which involves the maximum performance of every organ system. Dr. Habib stated that “now we have started the IV Vitamin Therapy service, we can assess each patient to predict their health concerns, formulate the vitamins to suit the patient’s unique health needs, and help to prevent disease, whilst boosting energy and wellbeing in the body”.
For more information about the launch of IV Vitamin Therapy at Next Health, click on the URL above or by watching videos on his Youtube channel at this link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmPRewPv6QtwO8JD7S1us2g
Interested parties can also join Dr. Habib’s 134,000 followers on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/doctorhabib/