(Newswire.net — March 28, 2015) Tampa Bay, FLORIDA –Who likes conflict? It’s safe to say no one. However, anyone who has interacted with another human being has experienced conflict on some level in their lives. Is conflict an inherent part of human nature? Possibly, but most likely not, as we are born with a need to be heard and a need to express. Perhaps, the trick to avoiding conflict is how well we listen to each other, and how safely we express ourselves when we communicate both intimately and professionally.
Life experience is the nugget of wealth Stierle utilizes in keynote events, work shops and professional mediation services. As a father, husband, personal coach and corporate trainer, he takes a clearly empathetic approach to guiding his corporate clients and seminar attendees toward self-awareness and tangible, results oriented, success. In his corporate trainings, Stierle uses the Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument, a 120 question analysis tool to asses the individual thinking processes of his clients, part of the Whole Brain® Model. He teaches clients to handle challenging situations with certainty, confidence, and understanding resolving conflicts into successfully engaged business experiences. Perhaps, what makes Stierle unique, is his ability to hear the corporation’s specific challenges and customize a seminar addressing the company’s issues as a whole and individually with team players. His unique approach creates a compassionate environment for the employees to address and fine tune their productivity toward a more successful outcome.
Are you living your best life? For most, the answer is no, we are surviving our lives. Multi-layered conflicts like struggling to pay the bills, pleasing the boss, our partners, our colleagues, parenting and so many other daily interactions cloud the idealized picture of living. However, Stierle offers webinars, ebooks and audio series’ providing a healthy approache to shifting our perspectives from surviving life to living and enjoying our lives and each other
About CEO Space Intertnational
Berny Dohrmann founded CEO Space International more than 25 years ago. Mr. Dohrmann has embraced his vision for entrepreneurial collaboration by giving prospective business leaders the tools and education they need to succeed.