(Newswire.net — April 1, 2015) Tampa Bay, FL — Bill Stierle is a recognized expert in business and personal coaching and is an advocate of the compassionate and flexible corporate culture that provides a safe haven for conflict resolution and promotion of ideas. Now, Bill Stierle is promoting this “Compassionate Corporate Culture” with his teachings in both the personal and business coaching he provides to companies of all sizes.
“Who likes conflict? It’s safe to say no one. However, anyone who has interacted with another human being has experienced conflict on some level in their lives. Is conflict an inherent part of human nature? Possibly, but most likely not, as we are born with a need to be heard and a need to express. Perhaps, the trick to avoiding conflict is how well we listen to each other, and how safely we express ourselves when we communicate both intimately and professionally,” says Stierle.
A communications specialist who has spent his career teaching communities to transcend social conflict through a technique known as Non-Violent communication or NVC, Bill Stierle has developed a teaching platform that utilizes three functional forms of communication: self-empathy, or awareness of one’s own experience; empathy, or awareness of the experiences of others; and honest self-expression as a means of inspiring compassion. Incorporating NVC and other strategies into his workshops, Stierle is able to provide communities and corporations with healthier productivity and the benefit of his life experiences.
In corporate training, Stierle uses the Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument as well as teaching clients to handle challenging situations with certainty and confidence. Stierle says, “Are you living your best life? For most, the answer is no, we are surviving our lives. Multi-layered conflicts like struggling to pay the bills, pleasing the boss, our partners, our colleagues, parenting and so many other daily interactions cloud the idealized picture of living.” Stierle offers webinars, e-books and audio recordings to provide a healthy approach to creating new perspectives. For more information, see http://www.billstierle.com/.
About Bill Stierle: Bill Stierle offers corporate training and personal coaching to individuals and companies to help them learn how to resolve conflict and create a Compassionate Corporate Culture that benefits everyone. With help from Stierle’s workshops, companies can engage in more productive dialogue in both internal and external relationships.
About CEO Space International
Berny Dohrmann founded CEO Space International more than 25 years ago. Mr. Dohrmann has embraced his vision for entrepreneurial collaboration by giving prospective business leaders the tools and education they need to succeed.