(Newswire.net — June 14, 2014) St. Petersburg , FL. — Millions of dollars are flooding in to help with the war that is being waged against Amendment 2 in Florida. Even though 88% of the general voting population in Florida approves, and is in favor of Amendment 2 passing, a select group is taking extreme measures against the Amendment for legalization of medical use of marijuana.
The gambling billionaire, Sheldon Adelson, has even been rallied and has joined the fight against Florida’s ballot measure for medical use of marijuana. The gambling magnate billionaire has gone on record as donating $2.5 million towards the fight, and supports the efforts to stop amendment 2 from passing.
John Morgan in Orlando of the well known Morgan & Morgan law firm has been funding the citizen based petition drive and has gathered 88% of Floridian voters that say they will vote for the passing of Amendment 2. This looks like it is turning into a very strong power struggle, with anyone’s guess as to who will win the final victory!
The April 2014 Quinnipiac poll confirmed that 88% of the voting population in Florida are in support of the legalization of medical marijuana use. Colorado seems to be showing great benefits from their recent legalization efforts, however, Florida nay sayers are touting that just the opposite will occur in Florida if Amendment 2 passes.
The Democratic Governer candidate, Charlie Crist, just happens to be a Morgan & Morgan attorney which may provide an edge in the coming election in November. Even the gambling magnate Adelson is throwing in gubernatorial race money, to the tune of $250,000 so far! This will be an interesting race and vote in November, with everyone wondering will the people or the money win out?