Natural Healing Arts Medical Center (941-761-4994) in Bradenton, Florida, announces its Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy. This safe alternative treatment helps reduce some of the negative effects of aging and menopause.
According to this medical practice, hormone replacement therapy using natural substances has multiple benefits. These include improved energy levels, better sleep, and the prevention of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer in women. For men, the newly announced treatment can prevent heart disease and prostate cancer.
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Fluctuating sleep quality and flagging energy levels are quite common as people age. One of the reasons for this could be the changes in the hormonal levels in the body. These problems are addressed by the natural hormone replacement therapy announced by Natural Healing Arts Medical Center.
In this treatment, either estrogen or an estrogen and progesterone combination is provided to restore balance to bodily functions. For women nearing or at menopause, hormone therapy can provide relief from symptoms such as hot flashes, poor sleep, mood swings, and others.
As a healthier and safer alternative to chemical replacements, the medical center offers BioTE® treatments. It is available as a pellet and can be used by both men and women. The medication is made from wild yams and soy, two substances with the highest concentration of hormones. This natural product is safe for people who have allergies to yam and soy as when the hormone is synthesized, the elements that cause allergic reactions are rendered harmless.
BioTE® is a bio-identical product developed by physicians with the goal of creating a treatment that will lead to holistic wellness. Subcutaneous pellets are inserted into the patient’s hip. Each pellet contains custom-compounded hormones designed to improve health.
The natural hormone replacement therapy provided by the Natural Healing Arts Medical Center begins to work almost immediately, with an improvement in energy levels. The infusion completely integrates into the body in a week’s time.
The treatment is provided by an APRN at the office of Dr. David S. Zamikoff who holds a doctorate from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles, California. He is licensed to practice in Florida and is Board-Certified both at the State level and nationally.
Dr. Zamikoff is certified in operating room protocols and Manipulation Under Anesthesia by the American Academy of Manual and Physical Medicine.
To find out more, visit or call them at 941-761-4994