(Newswire.net — May 14, 2013) Redmond, Oregon — Trying to sell a website online, isn’t as easy as it seems, you have a very popular auction site, you have forums, and a few brokers, and thats about it. Buying sites is the exact same way, and if you dont know what your looking for you can get scammed, or the site wasn’t what the seller stated.
Dwayne Stephens had this issue but found an auction site that was very exciting, but after paying the posting fees then the success fees, his work of hours sold for a small profit, or didn’t sell at all.
Mr. Stephens then went searching for a better way and came to realize he would have to come up with the solution, and sitebidders.com was created, and is in launch this month May 2013.
What makes this different then the rest? Stephens said this. “Don’t get me wrong here, i love my competitor, they have a great resource and product. We have an identical product, but also an alternative, because we sell all websites, Adult to Gaming. We only have one posting price and that’s it. Also we will monitor the sites being up for auction and will be checking to see if the websites are being stated correctly, any site that is not stated properly will be removed, we want our visitors to feel safe in buying a product.”
The last statement Mr. Stephens said raised this question. What do you mean by safe? Stephens reply was “Some people will blow the numbers up and will put false hopes and dreams in the websites being sold, and what they say makes $500 a day really only makes a few pennies.
First of all why would you sell a site making $500 a day unless you were getting $100,000 or more for the site, and if was made 3 months ago, how is this even possible, unless black hat SEO is being used and will get banned sooner or later. So we make sure that people don’t get scammed here.”
Sitebidders.com just launched this month, and with the new possibilities for selling websites, this looks like the Alternative, that people are looking for.
Media Contact www.sitebidders.com