CanWood Entertainment is pleased to nominate Katie Chats for the 2013 Toronto Arts Council Emerging Artist Award

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( via  — May 1, 2013) Toronto, ON — In continued strategic discussions with the CanWood Entertainment Inc. team, it was discovered that Katie`s long term vision and goal is to create the largest video data base of Canadian talent. As the entrepreneurial hostess, Katie Chats, brings recognition and awareness to those in the entertainment industry who are typically the talent behind the scenes.

“I desperately wanted to give these people the deserved publicity and spotlight, so I started “Katie Chats”. On a completely volunteer basis we’ve made wonderful progress and have consistently gotten busier and busier,“ states Katie.

Since July 2013, Katie Chats has posted over 1,000 high quality interviews within a 9 month timeframe. She has uploaded over 100 interviews monthly, which validates her substantial momentum and popularity within the film community. 

Katie quick-wittedly puts guest interviewees at ease with a sweetly sincere approach and genuine goal to showcase their personal achievements, successes and creative projects. As a result, she broadcasts captivating and heartfelt content that supports hardworking, loyal and diverse Canadian-based entertainment professionals.

“I want to dedicate my life to promoting Canadian film and television. There are so many amazing and talented Canadians that need to have their voices heard. I want a meaningful resource for our film and television community.”  In relation to the CanWood Entertainment`s interest, she’s expresses gratitude for all of the preliminary insights directed towards her branding and marketing strategy.

“When I first met Katie on the red carpet, I had the pleasure of experiencing her professionalism and entertaining personality – I was immediately impressed as an interviewee. She’s accomplished so much as a young hostess and almost entirely on her own. My only thought was how could we further her success and expedite her efforts.” said Gordon Weiske, veteran producer, President and Co-Founder of CanWood Entertainment.

Despite her online social success, her dream is to have an easy-to-navigate, and properly curated website, so that any person interested in a Canadian filmmaker or TV professional can easily locate them, and watch them in one or more interview scenario. In order to develop a Canadian Catalogue and data base, restructuring her website is the next priority, which will serve as a significant resource beneficial to generations to come.

CanWood is pleased to support her nomination for the Toronto Arts Council Emerging Artist Award. Demonstrating her sense of humor and charm, she modestly says, “I would love to have a wireless microphone so that I don’t trip the interviewees during red carpet coverage.”



For more Katie Chats interviews you can find her Channel HERE.

CanWood Entertainment Inc., is a global entertainment company with its head office in Toronto, Canada with producing partners and production capabilities in Los Angeles, Paris and Havana.