(Newswire.net — December 6, 2014) St Louis, Missouri — Career Expert Coach and Author responds to multiple research findings regarding Worker Passion, and Engagement in dysfunctional workplaces. If you have that nagging feeling on Sunday evenings, getting ready for the work week ahead, you are not alone.
Multiple research studies have confirmed once again that the workplace is in crisis. Worker passion is at an all-time low, and work environments are dysfunctional. The TINYpulse 2014 Employee Engagement & Organizational Culture Report arrived at the following conclusion. “Company culture is lackluster, direct supervisors need to step up their game, employees are undervalued, and there is a murky path when it comes to professional growth.” If you are a passionate worker, management looks at you with suspicion. So much so, that they may even be hostile to you. The result is that management is driving away top performers. So, every day a large number of workers trade jobs with each other, and hope that things will be better someplace else. In a recent report from Deloitte University Press, “Up to 87.7 percent of Americas’ workforce is not able to contribute to their full potential because they don’t have passion for their work.” That is in line with a Gallup survey that found that 87 percent of the global workforce in disengaged. Besides the impact this has on people and how they show up in their daily lives, the cost to business is enormous.
In response to this crisis, Career Expert, Coach and Author, James K. Lehman has just released a new book titled Maneuvering Your Career – 20 Strategies to Prepare You for Voluntary (or Involuntary) Career Transition. James tells us how we can take ownership of our own careers, and maneuver through all the dysfunction in the workplace. After experiencing twenty job changes himself, he knows the pain, the feelings of failure, and even the shame that goes along with it. He understand how the workplace, and that crazy boss, can suck the passion right out of you. He also predicts that you will lose your job, if you haven’t already. It is only a matter of time. James says “It is better to be prepared, and to be the decision maker, than to give that power to someone else, like your crazy boss – especially if he is an idiot.”
In a book review by Tyler Tichelaar on blogcritics.org “Lehman doesn’t make any lofty or false promises, but rather, he offers a realistic look at the shifting workplace today and a message of hope, independence, and security for those willing to stand up for themselves and what they believe in. At times, that may mean paddling against the current everyone else is blindly following, but in the end, it will lead to greater career satisfaction, career advancement, and the feeling of a job well-done at the end of the day. If you want not only to survive but to flourish in the workplace, pick up a copy of Maneuvering Your Career.”
This crisis will not be solved overnight. The research survey results will continue to support the crisis we are in. You may not be able to change the findings when the research surveys are done next year, but you can make a difference for yourself. No one else is going to do it for you.
About Maneuvering Life Coaching, LLC
James K. Lehman coaches professionals who are stuck in their career, or are working for a crazy boss, and have bigger and better dreams. He has more than 30 years in Corporate America, working for large consulting and Fortune 500 companies. He is a CPA, SPHR, and a Professional Coach.