This week, CEOSpace educational forum is being held unti March 28 at the Loews (NYSE:L) Lake Las Vegas COnference Center. is seeking comments regarding CEO Space, Inc., powered by IBI Global, owned by founder Berny Dohrmann, a best-selling author, radio show host and former Chairman of international investment banking organizations. At Newswire, we realize that sometimes the best information comes not from necessarily from an article circulated on the internet, but from the reader’s comments posted at the end of the story. The comment feature gives you a chance to dig deeper, ask questions, get feedback and see how others react to the information as it was presented. Quite often, you find relevant background information, informed opinions and even pure speculation in the comments section that is not included in any press releases or related investigative articles. With that in mind, we invite you to read the following summary of CEO Space and submit your comments at
CEO Space, Inc. boasts an innovative model for fostering cooperation instead of competition among business leaders, providing five annual trade shows for their lifetime members where the focus is on resolving issues through consultation and concentration on mutual interests. At any one of CEO Space’s week long retreats, members have access to a host of experts from all over the world who will share their experience and their business savvy in the spirit of confidentiality and mentoring. Members can attend seminars with titles like Mentor Mixing, Brain Tithing, Super Niche Marketing and Time Management. CEO Space is often used as an exceptional employee reward plan, and tax deductible group tuition encourages companies to send their best and brightest to get a “software upgrade in business leadership.”
CEO Space designs their retreats to make the most of a busy executive’s valuable time, and divides meetings into ninety minute intervals so members can still ‘run the empire’ while participating in the workshops and seminars. CEO Space’s trade shows run from Tuesday morning through Sunday noon. Members are encouraged to bring their families and a teen entrepreneur and study aide program is offered concurrently with the adult programs. CEO Space also has university affiliated curriculum for senior management with 350 corporate trainers and major law firms on faculty. CEO Space claims endorsements by the following well-known experts in corporate training: Anthony Robbins, motivational speaker and author of “Awaken The Giant Within;” Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, co-creators of the bestselling series “Chicken Soup for the Soul;” Bob Proctor, who was featured in “The Secret” and wrote “The Science of Getting Rich;” Lisa Nichols, CEO of Motivating the Teen Spirit and author of “No Matter What” and was also featured in “The Secret;” Dr. Jeff Magee of “Performance Magazine;” Jill Lublin, a professional self-promotion expert; Jane Whilhite, co-founder of PSI World; Dr. John Gray, bestselling author of “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus;” Ron Zeller, creator and co-presenter of “Winning The Second Half;” T. Harv Eker, bestselling author of “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind;” and Rick Frishman, founder of Planned Television Arts. is interested in hearing your feedback regarding CEO Space, especially from members who have participated in CEO Space events. You can leave your comments at or send them to