Charlotte, NC, based roofing specialists, Bluefox, launch a new website-based roofing repair information and quotation service to enhance the understanding of repair versus replacement option viability.
Charlotte, NC, based roofing specialists, Bluefox, have launched several updates to their roofing repair service offerings which now include website-based information and advice, a QuickQuote tool, and a complimentary roof repair estimate service.
More information can be found at:
The updated services aim to provide better guidance for those weighing the options of roof repair or roof replacement.
Numerous materials and designs are used in the construction of domestic roofs, but all serve a common purpose: to help seal a building against water and the elements. Roofs are particularly susceptible to damage due to their exposure to weather, as well as the complexity of their construction and the integration with other building components such as drainage, skylights and vents.
With an increasing prevalence of storm severity in recent years, many homeowners are experiencing unexpected water ingress problems in their homes, the most common cause of which is roof damage.
Water ingress within a building causes a more rapid deterioration of many substructures and materials that are otherwise designed to exist in a dry environment.
When water ingress is attributed to roof damage options available are varied, but always fall into one of two categories: repair or replacement. Understanding which option is more cost-effective can be a difficult decision, but the option to repair is often enhanced by early intervention.
The announcement from Bluefox comes in recognition of an increasing number of client requests, and aims to provide more clarity and understanding in the viability of roof repair versus roof replacement. The new information service details the importance of preventative and ongoing maintenance, as well as options for a timely repair to avoid the cost and waste associated with roof replacement.
With a majority of home insurance claims now being attributed to hail and wind damage, part of the new offering from Bluefox includes a storm damage assessment and restoration service.
Bluefox Roofing and Renovations is a family-owned business that operates within the Charlotte, NC, area and offers roof inspection, roof repair and roof replacement services.
Interested parties can find more information by visiting the above-mentioned website.