(Newswire.net — August 20, 2014) Alicante, Alicante —
IVF is much as close to a miracle as you can get nowadays, but for many IVF costs are still prohibitive. Some of the developed nations do have public health programs, including Australia, Japan and a number of European countries, that will cover IVF for a small percentage of the population who need it. The National Health Service in the UK isn’t able to pay for the 3 attempts their guidelines outline for those who could benefit for IVF treatment. In the USA, IVF is hardly ever covered by insurance, so most people end up footing the bill of $15,000 per attempt.
Earlier on in year I reported that it could be an IVF treatment kit that fits in a shoebox and some kitchen cupboard essentials that would provide hope for people who are longing to have a baby, and who could not afford extortionate IVF costs. It has also been reported in the Daily Telegraph that one clinic in Australia is on a new move to bulk-bill IVF parents as a way to make it cheaper.
IVF patients are set to save thousands with a new cut-price clinic offering to bulk-bill almost all services. Australia’s largest medical center provider “Primary Health Care” has chosen Sydney to open its first bulk-billing IVF clinic, which will slash the average out-of-pocket expenses for patients to about $500 compared with the average gap of $4000 in private clinics.
The Daily Telegraph reveals that mother Jane Brown, 37, who used IVF treatment to conceive her two children, Ally, 3 and Lincoln, seven weeks, said bulk-billed fertility treatments would be amazing for “average families,” like hers. The Browns paid about $5000 each for six IVF cycles over eight years to conceive their two children, and say they were still paying for it now but on the long run it would be well worth it. It was also commented that there were so many average families out there who would not be able to afford it because it was still too expensive.
One desperate American couple has even used Crowdfunding as a way to get cheap IVF treatment, by just asking people to pay for their IVF treatment through websites like Indiegogo, GiveForward, YouCaring and Crowdfunding to fulfill their dream of having a baby. Crowdfunding isn’t every-bodies cup of tea though , so many UK couples seeking cheap IVF treatment decide on going abroad to get pregnant, particularly to Spain.
Beginning a family is one of those crucial decisions we take in life, though actually having a baby may not always be so easy according to “IVF Spain” website, part of an international medical network of IVF clinics round Europe with many years of experience in reproductive medicine, offering all the traditional high standards to be expected in a developed nation, but when compared with UK and US costs, this really is cheap ivf treatment.
IVF Spain offer either a free online IVF test or a personal and confidential Skype consultation with one of their gynecologists. Click on the following link to see the IVF costs at the IVF-Spain clinic: http://ivf-spain.com/treatments/prices