Advance Center for Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Nutrition & Massage (312-553-2020), a medical center based in Chicago, IL, has updated its chiropractic and acupuncture services to help with back, neck, and shoulder pain relief.
Advance Center for Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Nutrition & Massage, an alternative health care center located in Chicago, Illinois, has updated its chiropractic and acupuncture treatments to aid with various pains. The center uses state-of-the-art technology to provide drug and surgical-free treatment options to patients.
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The center’s newly updated chiropractic and acupuncture treatment services aim to aid patients suffering from neck, shoulder, and back pain.
The acupuncture treatment offered by the chiropractor is focused on ensuring the patient’s flow of energy is constantly flowing. The therapy will release the patient’s blocked energy which is the source of their pain and discomfort.
Their chiropractic service involves creating minor movements of the vertebrae in the patient’s spine. Vertebrae can become unaligned due to a car accident, a work-related injury, or from remaining sedentary for too long. The treatment will realign the spine to alleviate the patient’s pain.
The center offers two different chiropractic techniques. The “pro-adjuster computer assisted adjusting” method allows patients to see their own subluxations on a computer while resting comfortably. With this method, the chiropractor can analyze the patient’s spine to locate the specific subluxations and adjust them with a light tapping motion alongside the spine.
With manual adjusting, the patient will lay face down on the table and the chiropractor will give gentle thrusts with his hands to reduce the subluxation. The patient may hear popping or cracking sounds which signify the subluxation has been diminished.
Advance Center for Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Nutrition & Massage was founded in 1992. They are dedicated to helping people get healthier and live pain-free by combining the most advanced technology with non-surgical and drug-free treatments.
A satisfied patient said: “Dr. Luban is wonderful. I had been misdiagnosed, told I wasn’t taking medication properly, and my complaints about pain ignored for years. Dr. Luban suggested the medical test which finally led to a diagnosis. Then, even with a diagnosis, the usual medical treatment for my condition failed to help me. I began weekly chiropractic treatments. Now, the pain is gone, I don’t even need aspirin.”
Interested parties can find more information by visiting