Join us and help us continue to provide mental health services and education. Mental Health Association of Greater Chicago has launched a membership program that benefits individuals suffering from mental illness while simultaneously providing membership benefits – (webinars, special tickets to events and more).
Mental Health Association of Greater Chicago (MHAGC), an independent not-for-profit organization based in Chicago, Illinois, has launched a membership program to benefit individuals suffering from mental illness. The organization is dedicated to helping communities address the gap resulting from an increase in cases of mental illness coupled with a simultaneous decrease in public funding, services, and resources for mental health.
More information is available at
With the latest announcement, the organization offers individuals an opportunity to partner with MHAGC by becoming a member. There are numerous types of individual and group memberships including charitable gift memberships, customizable donations, employee match programs, mental health provider affiliates, and teachers and education professionals development.
The MHAGC requires financial support to help enable long-term reduction of mental illness, suicide, self-harm, stigmatization, bullying, and related effects in schools and communities. Mental health education can also help support an entire community by increasing employment, productivity, and stability, while decreasing alcohol and drug abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, and suicide.
Joining as a mental health provider affiliate includes the added benefit of becoming part of the MHAGC database that is used to refer patients to provided services. These members are also included on the organization’s site and in promotional materials at different tiers.
The organization also offers a special membership for teachers and education professionals. Teachers and educational professionals who join can have access to mental health professional development with the ability to earn CPDU/CEU’s. In addition, members of Chicago’s Teachers Union can also learn Lane Placement Units and join at a special reduced rate.
A spokesperson for the company stated, “You may save a life by helping us to deliver our programs. Your support may help prevent a suicide or provide help for someone who is suffering. It may help a student learn how to protect their mental health through nutrition, substance and additive avoidance, and good relationships. We can also help them to understand how to identify when something is related to mental illness, what to do about it, and where to get help.”
Interested parties can find additional information at