Children in Danger of Injuries-Chiropractor Shares Tips on Avoiding Injuries

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( — April 8, 2013) Spartanburg, SC – Dr. John Fedina a Sports Chiropractor in Spartanburg SC, Shares Tips On How To Avoid Injuries This Spring While Playing Sports.

Springtime is here, sun is shining, birds are chirping and the desire for competition is in the air. After a spending a winter of sedentary bliss, this often leaves the door open for the possibility of soft tissue and joint injury, by many young people who are getting ready to play in their chosen sport. Many stay active all winter, so they should not be in danger of injury, unless they are changing the type of sports or the types of physical demand being placed upon their body.

I ask Dr. John Fedina, for many, this is the first activity of the new calendar year and do you believe there should be some concerns?

His response, if conditioning has been lacking, as well as exposure to the sun’s harmful rays and loss of body fluids in that ever popular form called sweat, hydration and sunscreen, for this reason, are two of the more important concerns at this time of the year. According to the sport you are partaking in, injuries can vary. Tennis Elbow, Shin Splints, Hamstring Pulls, ACL Tears and Inversion Sprains of the ankle, and back injuries are just a few of the more prevalent ones.

Get into the flow of spring sports gently, especially if you have a few more years under your belt than the average competitor. Stretching before an activity is of great importance whether prior to soccer or raking out the last of the fall leaves from under the deck.

We can all enjoy this great time of the year, but do so carefully. Stay injury free from the beginning and warm that tissue up before activity to guarantee a long and happy season.

Are your children going to be playing sports this spring? Do you want to learn how to avoid injuries?

Take Dr. John Fedina’s advice and stretch, loosen up your muscles properly, before you begin training, or playing. If you are in the upstate of South Carolina, and need a sports chiropractor, be sure to look up Fedina Sports Family Chiropractic in Spartanburg SC just off of I85.

Fedina Sports Family Chiropractic


4240 North Blackstock Road


Spartanburg, SC 29301


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