Children s Health Threatened by Chlorinated Water

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( – May 9, 2013) Geraldton, Australia. — Studies conducted on pregnant women have shown that use of chlorinated water is hazardous to their physical health and to the children s health. Results have shown that using chlorinated water in drinking and in cleaning, washing, taking a bath and taking a shower have serious effects on the mother and the baby that she is carrying in her womb, and the rest of the family in general.

Results of these studies and many other researchers work on the effects of chlorinated water on health and the environment are througherly discussed in a health e-Book to be launched this week. Among the information presented in this e-book “Death by Natural Causes or Pre-Meditated Murder” with regards to the ill effects of chlorinated water are as follows.

• Increased rate of birth defects

• High risk of still birth

• Cell mutations that can create multiple problems.

One of the studies conducted was an independent study about the use of chlorine-treated drinking water which has been ordered by the Government, because of fears that it may cause spina bifida and stillbirths. Scientists from Imperial College, London University, carried out the research after doctors in Norway, Canada and the United States reported higher levels of birth defects in areas where chlorine is used, compared with drinking water treated by alternative methods. Most countries water facilities, chlorinate their supply, which insures major issues with children s health in the future. The only people who have non-chlorinated water are those with their own bore holes or wells.

A Norwegian study of 141,000 births over three years found a 14 per cent increased risk of birth defects in areas with chlorinated water. Scientists have already found an association between chlorine and an increased risk of bowel, kidney and bladder cancer, but it is the first time that a link has been found with higher levels of spina bifida.

Results of the latter study strengthen the theory that chlorinated water has something to do with still births and deformed babies, confirming what the studies in other countries have stated. In addition, deformation of babies in the womb has also be attributed to the fact that chlorine causes cell mutations, resulting to abnormal growth. Aside from physical defects, babies show they are also more prone to children s health ailments and susceptible to diseases.

While the e-Book points out the dangers of prolonged use of chlorinated water, it also gives some ideas on how to prevent its effects. In some communities where deep wells or artesian wells are safe from chlorine contamination, but that’s only one of the issues so regardless it is advised to pre-filter the water. Moreover, pregnant women must avoid taking hot baths, hot showers or submerging in swimming pools that are treated with chlorine. Once this chemical is ingested or absorbed in the body, there is no easy way to get rid of it.

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Media contact: Edward Morrows;Email: