(Newswire.net — March 1, 2016) Addison, Texas — This results-oriented workshop is held online with up to sixteen business persons in sales management positions. Information includes how to solidify sales leadership skills, build management skills, and meet sales team’s objectives through meeting common sales management challenges and developing real-world solutions.
Each session includes guidance by Sales Coach and Business Consultant Chuck Bauer on each technique and process in all areas of sales management focusing on efficiency, closing, and revenue. Topics include key performance indicators, management ideas & processes, professional development, improving sales processes, increasing sales in a down economy, building team loyalty, building team desire to meet goals, formulating a set sales & marketing plan, implementing an accountability program, recruitment strategies, and key sales management strategies
Each six-month MasterMind group program is limited to no more than 16 people in order to ensure one-on-one attention, to make communication more efficient, and to enhance the experience for all participants. The program includes eighteen password-protected :50 minute HD recorded sessions—3 sessions per month. The sessions are only with Coach Chuck and the group, and there is specific homework given and monitored between sessions. Attendees are able to download and watch anywhere, any time, the recorded sessions. Attendees are given inclusion in the cloud with other group members, initial training videos on getting started fast, course guidelines, and a certificate of course completion at the end of the program. Attendees also have access to Chuck’s student client base with 50+ C-Level executives & 1000s of salespeople & business professionals as well as access to the 24/7 Help Desk and Project Manager.
Chuck Bauer Sales Training & Business Consulting Company are responsible for more than 2600 LIVE HD recorded coaching sessions in the last three years, which makes Chuck Bauer Sales Training one of the Top WebEx Users in the world. The new 24/7 on-the-go Online Learning Center contains over 80 hours of sales and business-related content. The blog and social media platforms feature daily updates of revenue-producing tips and tactics. The 24/7 Mobile App also provides instant success information for those on the go. For more information, call 855-740-SELL or visit www.chuckbauer.com or from your mobile device text BAUER to 72727.
Chuck Bauer Sales & Business Consulting
P.O. Box 1216Addison, Texas 75001
United States