Clear Braces Available at Grove City Dental

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( — April 28, 2014) Grove City, Ohio —Dr. Scott Schumann DDS now offers the speedy teeth straightening alternative to long term orthodontics. Dr. Scott Schumann of Grove City Dental has been a provider of Invisalign Clear braces for some time, but recently proudly announced the addition of Six Month Smiles orthodontic care. When asked why, he stated “Dentists in Grove City, Ohio have offered a variety of orthodontic care, but with the Six Month Smiles system I believe we can help a large amount of adults who don’t want to be in braces for years. So with the Six Month Smiles system it is not uncommon for our patients to come in for a teeth cleaning at Grove City Dental and decide to get the six month smile braces and by the time they are due for their next cleaning they also get their braces removed to reveal a brand new vibrant amazing smile. Our patients love it and we love the results too”.


Traditional braces for adults as well as teens, many times last for years and the stigma of “metal mouth” and other embarrassing aspects. But the affordable Six Month Smile system deploys clear or tooth colored braces that are not as noticeable and this combined with the average time frame of only Six Months makes this option very attractive to many people who have been embarrassed by having crooked teeth, including gaps in their teeth as well as what is commonly known as “buck teeth”.

The main difference with the Six Month Smiles is it is focused mainly on the cosmetic appearance of your smile with the emphasis on improving the look of the portion of your smile, which is most noticeable when you smile. In other words, the focus is the front teeth and that is why the application of the braces can be significantly shortened with the average time required to wear the tooth colored braces falling into the 4 to 9 months’ time range.


Dr. Schumann continued: “Grove City Dental has a goal of helping people have a 100% healthy mouth because the health of our patients is more important than the look of their smile, but having said that-there is absolutely nothing wrong with helping people get the smile of their dreams and that is what the Six Month Smiles has been doing. In fact, some of the results we’ve had at Grove City Dental have been nothing short of spectacular. And although this new system is more affordable than traditional braces we’re still able to offer financing options for many of our patients so they love the easy monthly payments as well as the new amazing smile.”

When Dr. Schumann was asked who is a candidate for Six Month Smiles he responded “The Six Month Smiles system is not for everyone. Typically it is for 18 years and older and there are instances when the work required to accomplish what is best for the patient would merit them doing a traditional orthodontic option other than the Six Month Smiles, but the only way to know how much the Six Month Smiles system would help an individual would be to come to our office for a free no obligation Six Month Smiles evaluation.” Dr. Schumann concluded by saying “As I stated before, this is not for everyone, but if you have crooked front teeth or gaps in your teeth that you’ve always wanted to have corrected then this is an affordable, fast adult braces solution.”

To discover more about how the Six Month Smiles may be able to help you please contact Dr. Scott Schumann DDS and his award winning staff for your free no obligation consultation by calling (888) 496-1250.

Dr. Scott Schumann is a general dentist in Grove City, OH
Dr. Scott Schumann & Grove City Dental brings Six-Month-Smiles to Grove City, Ohio
About The Practice:
America’s PremierExperts® Cosmetic and Sedation dentist Dr Scott Schumann is a celebrated 6 Time Best-Selling Author. He has featured chapters in Oral-Facial Emergencies, The 21 Principles of Smile Design, Shift Happens, Power Principles of Success. ROI Marketing Secrets Revealed, More Than a Mouthful, Game Changers the World’s Leading Entrepreneurs, How they’re Changing the Game & You Can Too! The Success Secret, The World’s Leading Experts Reveal their secrets for Success in Business and in Life.  Dr. Schumann is an Executive Producer of two Emmy Award Winning Films, won a TELLY award and has been quoted in USA Today, The Wall St. Journal, and Newsweek.  Scott has made guest appearances on radio and TV including the radio show the Next Big Thing® and America’s PremierExperts® TV show which airs on NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX TV. Dr Scott Schumann’s company, Grove City Dental, was recently recognized by the Inc. 500/5000 2010, 2011 and 2012 List for America’s Fastest-Growing private companies. Scott is also a speaker presenting at various conferences and mentoring groups helping other business owners take their businesses to the next level.
To discover more about the services provided by Grove City Dental please visit Dr. Schumann’s website: or call (888) 496-1250

Grove City Dental

Grove City, Ohio  

(888) 496-1250