Comic Creator Scott Tucker Cited As Inspiration By Movie Favorites

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( — December 6, 2013) Dallas, Texas — 


In a recent post, the entertainment blog Movie Favorites highlighted comic book creator Scott Tucker as an inspirational figure for aspiring comic book artists and writers. The recent article cites Tucker’s feature in the comic book industry documentary “Countdown To Wednesday” and the inclusion of Tucker’s work with popular series such as as Tomb Raider.


Editors of Movie Favorites say that exposing readers to the work of individuals like Scott Tucker is an important part of the site’s goals. “Scott Tucker is a fantastic artist,” said Noel Graham, an editor of Movie Favorites. “What’s really important to us is showing readers that is definitely possible to go after a career in entertainment. There are too many naysayers that belief you can only work in entertainment if you are extraordinarily lucky, but guys like Scott Tucker show that there are plenty of jobs available to the people who are willing to work hard to develop their craft.”


Movie Favorites points out the extensive list of comic books featuring Tucker’s work as evidence that there is plenty of work available to illustrators and writers who are willing to make a career in entertainment their goal.


“Tucker has been producing comic books professionally for well over ten years now,” said Noel Graham. “You can see the quality and professionalism in what he does, and it’s clear that that sort of ability is the product of many years of effort.”


In further comments, the editors of Movie Favorites said that they love comic books for many of the same reasons that they love movies. In particular, editors of the site mentioned the visual appeal of well developed graphic novels, and the sense of suspense and drama that both graphic novels and comics share.


Scott Tucker is a comic book creator publishing his work through Top Cow Productions. is a contemporary blog which aims to showcase a diverse range of film related news and views to anyone that has access to the web. aims to reach out to everybody by offering a little bit of something to everyone. Find out more by visiting