Contact Lens and Vision Your New Jersey Optometrists Remind You Not To Ignore Your Eye Lids: Blepharitis
Blepharitis is one of the most common eye conditions, yet often under diagnosed and even worse, under treated. As the name suggests, it is inflammation of the lids and can range from an asymptomatic process resulting in complication of dry eyes to vision threatening complicated eye infections. Luckily, your Eye Doctors in New Jersey at Contact Lens and Vision know how to correct the issue.
What Are The Symptoms of Blepharitis You Should Look Out For?
- Eye and eyelid irritation and burning
- Itching of eyelids
- Redness of eyelids and eyes
- Foreign body sensation (something is in the eye)
- Dryness of eyes
- Scurf to crusting of lashes
- Loss of lashes
- Swelling of eyes
- Problem with comfort with contact lens
- Tiredness of eyes
Are you at risk?
If you have oily skin, suffer with dandruff, undergoing hormonal changes either during teen years or around menopause, you are at increased risk of Blepharitis. If you have skin condition called Acne Rosacea, you are at increased risk of developing it. Acne Rosacea is a common skin condition associated with facial redness with small red bumps exacerbated by certain food, drinks or other environment triggers.
Types and causes of Blepharitis
Blepharitis can be broadly classified in two different types:
Anterior Blepharitis
This is inflammation of front part of lids right under the lashes and can present as scurf or debris on lashes. This can be not only cosmetically concerning, it can cause constant irritation and vision blur. If left untreated it will lead to loss of lashes, change of color of lashes, in-turning or out-turning of lashes, or even worse, can lead to painful abscess of the lids.
Posterior Blepharitis or Meibomianitis
This is the result of a malfunction of small oil glands in the posterior part of the lid. It can cause chronic infection of the lids with intolerance to contact lenses, thickening of lid margins, chronic irritation and tiredness of the eyes. If left untreated it can cause painful to painless swelling in the lid called Chalazion that has to be surgically treated, or even worse, can lead to sight-threatening infection of the eye called Orbital Cellulitis.
Causes can be as listed earlier from dysfunction of oil glands, Acne Rosacea, Seborrheic Dermatitis (dandruff of head scalp and eye brows) to allergies to cosmetics and medications, and even mites living on hair follicles.
It is important to find the underlying disease process that has lead to development of Blepharitis. Based on individual patient treatment, options can be discussed. Lifestyle modifications can range from removal of offending allergens, to removal of triggers for Rosacea, to important changes in dietary habits with addition of Omega-3 DHA,EPA and an anti-inflammatory diet.
For acute exacerbation of bacterial infection, it is important to have either antibiotic eye drops or oral antibiotics. Also, it is important to remove the deposits of scurf with crusted oil deposits from lids. This is conventionally done with warm compression with baby shampoo. Now optometrists can start the same process in office using BlephExTM , which can lead to faster patient rehabilitation. Contact Lens and Vision based in Woodbridge, East Brunswick and Freehold, New Jersey carry BlephEx.
Blepharitis is a chronic condition that not only causes potential serious complications, but also decreases quality of life. With proper diagnosis and management, it can be controlled in most patients.
If you suspect that you have Blepharitis, call Contact Lens and Vision at 908-855-7950 for an appointment. Be sure to mention that you might have Blepharitis.
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( — November 18, 2013) Woodbridge, New Jersey —